Afghanistan | AFGH |  |
Albania | ALBA |  |
Algeria | ALGR |  |
Angola | ANGO | Includes Calindra, also known as Cabinda |
Anguilla | ANGA | Part of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla until 1980 |
Antigua and Barbuda | AGUA | Part of Leeward Islands group until 1967 |
Argentina | ARGE |  |
Armenia | ARMN | Formerly part of USSR |
Australian Antarctic Territory | ANCA | Australian Antarctic Territory and Australian Territories of Heard Island and MacDonald Islands |
Australia | AUST |  |
Austria | ASTA | Excluding Jungholz in Tirol and Mittelberg im Kleinen Walsertal in Vorarlberg, for which see Germany |
Azerbaijan | AZBJ | Formerly part of USSR |
Bahamas | BAHA |  |
Bahrain | BHRN | Excludes Turks and Caicos Islands |
Bangladesh | BADE |  |
Barbados | BARB |  |
Belarus | BELA | Formerly part of USSR |
Belgium-Luxembourg | BLGM | The Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union comprising the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg |
Belize | BELE |  |
Benin | BENR |  |
Bermuda | BMDA |  |
Bhutan | BHUT |  |
Bolivia | BOLI |  |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BOHR | Formerly part of Yugoslavia |
Botswana | BOTS |  |
Brazil | BRAZ |  |
British Indian Ocean Territory | BIOT | Chagos Archipelago (uninhabited) |
Brunei Darussalam | BRUN |  |
Bulgaria | BULG |  |
Burkina Faso | BURK | Formerly Republic of the Upper Volta, pre 1984 |
Burundi | BRND |  |
Cambodia | CMBD |  |
Cameroon | FCAM | Includes the former Trust Territories of Cameroon and Southern Cameroons |
Canada | CAN |  |
Cape Verde | CVER | Includes Boa Vista, Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal, Santo Antoa, Sao Nicolau, Sao Tiago and Sao Vicente |
Cayman Islands | CAYM | British Colony |
Central African Republic | CEAR |  |
Chad | CHAD | Also referred to as 'Tchad' |
Chile | CHLE | Includes Arica, Easter Island and the islands off the Chilean Coast |
China | CHIN | Excludes SAR's and Taiwan |
Christmas Island | CHRI | Indian Ocean (Australian Territory) |
Cocos (Keeling) Island | COCO | Cocos Islands, also known as Keeling Islands (Australian Territory) |
Colombia | COMB |  |
Comoros | CMRO | Also known as Comoros Islands, includes Anjouan, Grand Comore, Moheli and other islands |
Congo | COBR |  |
Congo, Democratic Republic of | ZAIR | Formerly Zaire |
Cook Islands | COOK | Self-governing State in association with New Zealand comprising the Cook Islands and other Pacific Islands of the Lower and Northern Cook Groups |
Costa Rica | COST |  |
Cote d'Ivoire | IVOR |  |
Croatia | CROA | Formerly part of Yugoslavia |
Cuba | CUBA |  |
Cyprus | CYPR |  |
Czech Republic | CZEH | Formerly part of Czech and Slovak Republic |
Denmark | DENM | Includes the Faeroe Islands and Greenland |
Djibouti | DJIB |  |
Dominica | DMCA |  |
Dominican Republic | DOMI |  |
Ecuador | ECUA | Including Galapagos Islands |
Egypt | EGYP |  |
El Salvador | SALV | Also known as Salvador |
Equatorial Guinea | EGUI | Includes Macias Nguema Bioko, Rio Muni, Pigalu, Corisco, Elobey Chico and Grande Annabou |
Eritrea | ERIT | Formerly part of Ethiopia |
Estonia | ESTO | Formerly part of USSR |
Ethiopia | ETHI | Excludes the trading station of Gambela which is leased to the Sudan. Also known as Socialist Ethiopia |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FALK | Includes South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands, West Falkland and East Falkland |
Fiji | FIJI | Includes Vanua Levu, Viti Levu, Taveuni, Rabi, Yasawa Group, Kadavu, Rotuma, Lau Group and other small islands |
Finland | FINL | Including Aaland Islands |
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | FYRM | Formerly part of Yugoslavia |
France | FRAN | Including Monaco, Andorra |
French Antilles | FWIN | Guadeloupe and Dependencies, Martinique and St. Martin Island (northern part) |
French Guiana | FRGU | Also known as Cayenne |
French Polynesia | PLYN | French Overseas Territory comprising Society Islands (including Tahiti), Marquesas Islands, Tuamotu Group, Gambier Islands, Tubuai Islands (Austral Islands) |
French Southern Antarctic Territory | FSAT | Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises - (St. Paul, Territories New Amsterdam, Crozet Islands and Kerguelan Islands, Adelie Land) |
Gabon | GABO | Also referred to as Gaboon or Gabun |
Gambia | GAMB |  |
Georgia | GERG | Formerly part of USSR |
Germany | FGMY | Includes the Austrian enclaves of Jungholz in Tirol and Mittelberg im Kleinen Walsertal in Voralberg |
Ghana | GHAN |  |
Gibraltar | GIBR |  |
Greece | GREE | Includes Aegean Islands, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese Islands, Crete and Mount Athos autonomous area |
Grenada | GNDA | Includes South Grenadine Islands |
Guam | GUAM | An organised, unincorporated territory of the United States |
Guatemala | GMLA |  |
Guinea | GUIN | Also called 'Popular and Revolutionary Republic of Guinea' |
Guinea-Bissau | BGUI |  |
Guyana | GUYA |  |
Haiti | HAIT |  |
Honduras | HDRS |  |
Hong Kong (SAR of China) | HONG | Also called Hisiangkang and Xianggang. Includes the island of Lantao, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories |
Hungary | HGRY |  |
Iceland | ICEL |  |
India | INIA | Includes the Amindivis, Laccadives, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Sikkim |
Indonesia | INDO | Includes Java, Madura, Sumatra, Raiu Archipelago, Lingga Archipelago, Bangka, Biliton, Borneo (excluding Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei), Sulawesi, Malacca Islands, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Timor, Irian Jaya and other territories |
International waters | IWAS | Used for goods placed in the ocean outside any territorial waters or exclusive economic zone |
Iran | PSIA |  |
Iraq | IRAQ | Excludes the Neutral Zone jointly administered by Saudi Arabia and Iraq |
Ireland | IRE |  |
Israel | ISRA |  |
Italy | ITAL | Includes Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, Pantelleria, Lampedusa, Vatican City and the Republic of San Marino |
Jamaica | JMCA | Includes Morant Cays and Pedro Cays |
Japan | JAP | Includes Okinawa, the Bonin Islands and the islands of Amami Oshima |
Johnston and Sand Islands | JSIS | United States Dependencies |
Jordan | JORD |  |
Kazakhstan | KAZA | Formerly part of USSR |
Kenya | KENY |  |
Kiribati | KIRI | A self governing British Territory including Phoenix Islands comprising Kanton and Enderbury under Anglo-American Condominium, Birnie, McKean, Rawaki (Phoenix), Orona (Hull), Manra (Sydney) and Nikumaroro (Gardner), Ocean Island, Gilbert Islands, Northern and Southern Line Islands (Fanning, Washington and Christmas) |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (North) | KRDR | The Korean peninsula north of the 38 parallel |
Korea, Republic of (South) | RKOR | The Korean peninsula south of the 38 parallel |
Kuwait | KUWA | Includes the Neutral Zone jointly administered by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia |
Kyrgyzstan | KYRG | Formerly part of USSR |
Laos | LAOS |  |
Latvia | LATV | Formerly part of USSR |
Lebanon | LEBA |  |
Lesotho | LESO |  |
Liberia | LIBE |  |
Libya | LBYA |  |
Lithuania | LITH | Formerly part of USSR |
Macau (SAR of China) | MACA | Also known as Ao-men. Includes Macao, Taipa and Coloane (Portuguese Overseas Possession) |
Madagascar | MASY |  |
Malawi | MLWI |  |
Malaysia | MLAY | Includes Peninsula Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak |
Maldives | MLDV | Also known as the Maldive Islands |
Mali | MALI |  |
Malta | MLTA | Includes Gozo, Comino and islets Cominette and Filfla |
Marianas, Northern | MRNS | A self-governing territory of the United States of America, with Commonwealth status |
Marshall Islands | MARS | Self-governing Territory in free association with the United States of America |
Mauritania | MRTN |  |
Mauritius | MAUS | Mauritius, Agalega, Cargados, Carajos (St. Brandon Group) and Rodrigues |
Mexico | MEXI |  |
Micronesia | MICR | Includes the states of Yap, Truk, Pohnpei and Kosrae |
Midway Islands | MIDW | United States Dependency |
Moldova | MDOV | Formerly part of USSR |
Mongolia | MNGL | Also known as Outer Mongolia. Does not include Inner Mongolia for which see China |
Montserrat | MONT | Part of the Leeward Islands group until 1967 |
Morocco | MORO | Formerly French Morocco. Includes Tangier, Spanish Morocco and Ifni Territory and for statistical purposes the following places of Spanish sovereignty: Alhucemas, Chafarinas, Ceuta, Melilla and Penon de Velez |
Mozambique | MOZA |  |
Myanmar | BURM | Formerly known as Burma |
Namibia | NAMI |  |
Nauru | NAUR |  |
Nepal | NEPA |  |
Netherlands | NETH |  |
Netherlands Antilles | ANTI | Includes Curacao, Bonaire, Southern St. Martin, St Eustatius and Saba |
New Caledonia | NCAL | Includes Huon Islands, Isle of Pines, Loyalty Islands, Belep Archipelago, Chesterfield Islands and Walpole |
New Zealand | NZ | North and South Islands, Stewart Island, Chatham Islands, Kermadec Islands, Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, Bounty Island, Campbell Island and Snares Islands |
Nicaragua | NICA |  |
Niger | NIGE |  |
Nigeria | NGRA |  |
Niue | NIUE | Self-governing territory of New Zealand |
Norfolk Island | NORF | Australian territory |
Norway | NWAY | Norway including Svalbard (Spitzberg, Bear Island and adjacent islands), Jan Mayen Island and Norwegian Antarctic Possessions |
Oman | OMAN |  |
Pakistan | PAKI |  |
Palau | PALU |  |
Panama | PNMA | Includes the previous Panama Canal Zone |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | Includes Bismark Archipelago, Louisiade Archipelago, Admiralty Islands, d'Entrecasteaux Islands, Northern Solomon Islands (Bougainville, Buka, etc.), Trobriand Islands, New Britain, New Ireland, Woodlark and associated islands |
Paraguay | PRGY |  |
Peru | PERU |  |
Philippines | PHIL |  |
Pitcairn Island | PITC | British Colony. Includes Henderson, Ducie and Oeno |
Poland | POLA |  |
Portugal | PORT | Includes the Azores and Madeira Islands |
Puerto Rico | RICO | A self-governing Territory of the United States of America, with Commonwealth status |
Qatar | QATA |  |
Reunion | REUN | Includes Ile Europa, Bassas da India, Juan de Nova, Iles Glorieuses and Ile Tromelin |
Romania | ROUM | Also known as Rumania or Roumania |
Ross Dependency | ROSS | New Zealand Antarctic Territory |
Russian Federation | RUSS | Formerly part of USSR; includes North Sakhalin, Karafuto (South Sakhalin) and the Kurile Islands |
Rwanda | RWAN |  |
St Helena | STHE | Includes Ascension, Tristan da Cunha, Gough Island, Inaccessible and Nightingale Islands |
St Kitts and Nevis | STCN | Also called St. Christopher-Nevis |
St Lucia | STLU | Formerly part of the Windward Islands Group |
St Pierre and Miquelon | PIER | French Overseas Territory |
St Vincent and the Grenadines | STVI | Includes Northern Grenadine Islands |
Samoa | WSAM | An independent sovereign state comprising Upolu, Savai'i and other small islands |
Samoa (American) | SAMO | An unincorporated Territory of the United States comprising Tutuila Island, Aunu'u Island, Manu'a Group and Swain's Island |
Sao Tome and Principe | SAOT | Former Portuguese Overseas Possession |
Saudi Arabia | SAUD | Includes the Neutral Zone jointly administered by Saudi Arabia and Iraq but excludes the Neutral zone jointly administered by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia |
Senegal | SENE |  |
Seychelles | SEYC | Includes Alphonse, Bijoutier, St. Francois Islands, St. Pierre Islet, Cosmoledo Islands, Amirantes, Aldabra, Farquhar and Desroches |
Sierra Leone | SLEO |  |
Singapore | SING |  |
Slovakia | SVAK | Formerly part of Czech and Slovak Republic |
Slovenia | SLOV | Formerly part of Yugoslavia |
Solomon Islands | SOLO | Includes Southern Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal, Malaita, Santa Isabel, Choiseul and San Christobel |
Somalia | SOML |  |
South Africa | SAFR | Includes Walvis Bay, Marion Islands and Prince Edward Islands |
Spain | SPAI | Includes the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands but excludes Alhucemas |
Sri Lanka | SRIL |  |
Sudan | SUDA | Includes the trading station of Gambeila which is leased from Ethiopia |
Suriname | SRNM |  |
Swaziland | SWZI |  |
Sweden | SWED |  |
Switzerland | SWIT | Includes the Principality of Liechtenstein |
Syria | SYRI |  |
Taiwan | TAIW | Includes the Pescadores Islands and the Matsu and Quemoy Groups |
Tajikistan | TAJI | Formerly part of USSR |
Tanzania | TANZ |  |
Territories Administered by the Palestinian Authority | PALA | Formerly shown as Palestine |
Thailand | THAI |  |
Togo | TOGO |  |
Tokelau | TOKI | Within the territorial boundaries of New Zealand and administered by it |
Tonga | TNGA | Vava'u, Ha'apai, Tongatapu and Nomuka Groups |
Trinidad and Tobago | TRIN |  |
Tunisia | TUNI |  |
Turkey | TURK |  |
Turkmenistan | TURS | Formerly part of USSR |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TRCA | British Colony |
Tuvalu | TUVA | Includes Funafuti, Nurakita, Nuitao, Nukufetau, Nukulaelae and Vaitupu |
Uganda | UGAN |  |
Ukraine | UKRA | Formerly part of USSR |
United Arab Emirates | UAEM | Includes Tas Al Khaimah, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ajman and Umm Al Qaiwain |
United Kingdom | UK | Includes England and Wales, Scotland, the six counties of Northern Ireland, the Isles of Wight and Man, Scilly Islands, the Hebrides, Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands and the Channel Islands |
United States of America | USA | Includes Hawaii but excludes Puerto Rico |
United States Miscellaneous | OAPI | Other United States administered Pacific Islands including Palmyra, Howland and Baker Islands, the Ryukyus (except Anami Oshima and Okinawa), the Volcano Islands, Rosario Island, Marcus Island, Jarvis Islands and Kingman Reef |
Uruguay | URUG |  |
Uzbekistan | UZBK | Formerly part of USSR |
Vanuatu | VANU |  |
Venezuela | VENZ |  |
Viet Nam | VIET |  |
Virgin Islands (British Virgin Islands) | BVIR | Includes Anegada, Jost van Dyke, Tortola and Virgin Gorda |
Virgin Islands (United States) | VIRG | Includes St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. John and a number of small islands |
Wake Island | WAKE | United States Dependency |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WALL | French Overseas Territory. Includes Iles de Horn, Ile Uvea and Ile Alofi |
Western Sahara | SARA | Includes Rio De Oro and Sekia El Hamra |
Yemen | YEMN | Includes the islands of Karaman, Perin and Socotra |
Yugoslavia | YUGO | Does not include Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia or Slovenia |
Zambia | ZMBA |  |
Zimbabwe | ZIMB | Formerly Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia |
Zone of Coop A-Timor Gap | ZONA |  |