This document was added or updated on 17/11/2011.
17/11/2011: The following time series spreadsheets of this release have been replaced to correct an error in compilation for 'Income tax payable' for Households:
Table 1. Key National Accounts Aggregates
Table 7. National Income Account, Current prices
Table 8. National Capital Account, Current prices
Table 30. General Government Income Account, by Level of government, Current prices
Table 31. General Government Adjusted Disposable Income Account, Current prices
Table 32. General Government Capital Account, by Level of government, Current prices
Table 33. General Government Financial Account, Current prices
Table 36. Household Income Account, Current prices
Table 37. Household Adjusted Disposable Income Account, Current prices
Table 38. Analytical Measures of Household Income, Consumption, Saving and Wealth, Current prices
Table 39. Household Capital Account, Current prices
Table 40. Household Financial Account, Current prices
In addition, the following time series spreadsheets have been replaced to correct other errors in compilation:
Table 41. Household Balance Sheet, Current prices - as at 30 June
Table 42. Household Final Consumption Expenditure
Table 50. Agricultural Income, Current prices
Table 58. Capital Stock, by Industry
Table 62. Value of Demonstrated Subsoil Assets, by Commodity - as at 30 June
Only the corresponding tables in the pdf version of the publication and the Analysis of Results document (both on the Summary tab and within the pdf version of the publication) have also been updated to reflect these corrections.
These corrections do not affect headline measures of GDP for 2010-11.