The Children and Youth Statistical Portal
The Children and Youth Statistical Portal (CYSP) is the current pilot project for the National Data Network (NDN). The CYSP will provide access to a range of children and youth information resources from a single location. Catalogue entries containing discovery metadata, including a web link to these information resources will be available via the Portal after the software release scheduled for 8 October 07.
Developments underway
a. Approaching custodians
The ABS is currently approaching custodians of children and youth information resources to confirm their contributions to the Portal. As part of the Pilot Phase, a selection of contributing national and state agencies and organisations will be provided with Lite node software to enable them to load catalogue entries. To support custodians with this work, an Information Pack has been developed and distributed. The Pack is available from <>.
b. Portal Discussion Forum
The Portal software scheduled for release in October 07 will include a Discussion Forum. This Forum will be moderated and users will need to be registered to 'post' to the Forum, with moderated 'posts' publicly available. Opening issues may relate to:
- integration of agencies within the children and youth arena,
- the usability of the Portal, and
- current work in the area of childrens' learning and development.
CYSP Reference Group meeting
A Children and Youth Statistical Portal Reference Group meeting was held on 1 August 07. This group was well attended, with representatives from a range of Australian and State/Territory Government departments and national organisations. Representatives were encouraged to engage with the Portal and contribute to the development through provision of catalogue entries of publicly available information resources.
For those interested in more information about the Portal contact Lorraine Cornehls on (02) 6252 6079). If you would like more information about the NDN in general, please call Patricia O'Reilly from the NDN Business Office on (02) 6252 5875.