2008 SNA | 2008 (Edition of) System of National Accounts |
ABARES | Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AEEA | Australian Environmental Economic Accounts |
AIATSIS | Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies |
AIMS | Australian Institute of Marine Science |
ALA | Atlas of Living Australia |
ALUM | Australian Land Use and Management |
ANZSCO | Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations |
ANZSIC06 | Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006 |
ASCOVA | Australian Standard Classification of Visitor Accommodation |
ASDI | Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure |
ASFIS | Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System |
ASGS | Australian Statistical Geography Standard |
ASNA | Australian System of National Accounts |
AVPCC | Australian Valuation Property Classification Codes |
BSU | Basic Spatial Unit |
CAPSTK | Capital Stock System |
CBD | Convention on Biological Diversity |
CEA | Classification of Environmental Activities |
CES | Centre of Environment Statistics |
CICES | Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services |
CLUM | Catchment Scale Land Use Mapping |
COFC | Consumption of Fixed Capital |
CPC | Central Product Classification |
CPUE | Catch per Unit Effort |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
CWP | Co-ordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics |
DLCD | Dynamic Land Cover Dataset |
DSITIA | Queensland Department of Science Information Technology and Innovation |
EAU | Ecosystem Accounting Unit |
EC | European Commission |
EEA | European Environment Agency |
EESG | Economic and Environmental Statistics Group |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
EGSS | Environmental Goods and Services Sector |
EMC | Environment Management Charge |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations |
FRA | (Global) Forest Resource Assessment |
GA | Geoscience Australia |
GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility |
GBR | Great Barrier Reef |
GBRMPA | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GFCF | Gross Fixed Capital Formation |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems |
GMI | Gross Mixed Income |
GOS | Gross Operating Surplus |
GOSMI | Gross Operating Surplus and Mixed Income |
GPP | Gross Primary Productivity |
GSP | Gross State Product |
GVA | Gross Value Added |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
I-O | Input-Output |
IOIG | Input Output Industry Group |
IOPC | Input Output Product Classification |
IOPG | Input Output Product Group |
ISCAAP | International Standard Classification for Aquatic Animals and Plants |
ISIC | International Standard Industrial Classification for All Economic Activities |
IUCN | International Union for the Conservation of Nature |
IVS | International Visitors Survey |
LCCS | Land Cover Classification System |
LCCS 3 | Land Cover Classification System (version) 3 |
LCEU | Land Cover/Ecosystem (functional) Unit |
LTMP | Long-Term Monitoring Program |
LULUCF | Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry |
MMP | Marine Monitoring Program |
NERP | National Environmental Research Program |
NKS | Net Capital Stock |
NOS | Net Operating Surplus |
NPP | Net Primary Productivity |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NRM | Natural Resource Management (region) |
NRMR | Natural Resource Management Regions |
NSO | National Statistical Office |
NTFP | Non-Timber Forest Products |
NTP | Net Taxes on Production |
NVS | National Visitors Survey |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
PES | Payment for Ecosystem Services |
PSII | Photosystem II (inhibiting herbicides) |
PSUT | Physical Supply and Use Table |
QLD DAF | Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fishing |
RBA | Reserve Bank of Australia |
RECCAP | Regional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes |
RLS | Reef Life Survey |
RLSF | Reef Life Survey Foundation |
RM | Resource Management |
RR | Resource Rent |
SA1 | Statistical Area (Level) 1 |
SEEA | System of Environmental-Economic Accounts |
SEEA-CF | System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Central Framework |
SEEA-EEA | System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 - Experimental Ecosystem Accounting |
SELTMP | Social and Economic Long Term Monitoring Program |
SESCA | Standard Economic Sector Classification of Australia |
SISCA | Standard Institutional Sector Classification of Australia |
SNA | System of National Accounts |
SoE | State of the Environment (Report) |
SUIC | Supply-Use Industry Classification |
SUPC | Supply-Use Product Classification |
SUT | Supply and Use Table |
TEV | Total Economic Value |
TN | Total Nitrogen |
TP | Total Phosphorous |
TRA | Tourism Research Australia |
TSA | Tourism Satellite Account |
TSS | Total Suspended Solids |
UN | United Nations |
UNSC | United Nations Statistical Commission |
VACP | Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced |