Offences involving behaviour that is regulated or prohibited on moral or ethical grounds.
This subdivision is further disaggregated on the basis of the type of regulated public order activity involved.
Offences in this subdivision are classified into the following groups:
1321 Betting and gambling offences
Offences arising from the operation of illegal betting or gaming, or breaches of rules or regulations that apply to legal betting or gaming operations.
Offences involving the breach of rules of regulated gaming operations
Offences involving unregulated gaming operations
1322 Liquor and tobacco offences
The production, and/or sale or purchase of, alcoholic or tobacco products without a licence or in breach of licensing conditions.
Sale of liquor or tobacco to a minor
Sale of alcohol products without a licence
Sale of alcoholic products in contravention of licence conditions
Purchase of alcoholic products in contravention of licence conditions
Consumption of legal substances in regulated spaces. These are coded to Group 1326, Consumption of legal substances in regulated spaces.
1323 Censorship offences
The production, possession, distribution or display of prohibited or controlled pornographic or other material in written, photographic, film, video or other format.
Procure a child for pornography. These are coded to Group 0321, Non-assaultive sexual offences against a child.
Child pornography offences. These are coded to Group 0322, Child pornography offences.
1324 Prostitution offences
Offences involving the sale or purchase of sexual services.The term ‘prostitute’ can be taken to mean either male or female prostitutes, and ‘prostitution’ can be taken to mean prostitution of either a male or female person.
Sexual servitude offences. These are coded to Group 0323, Sexual servitude offences.
Sexual assault (including rape) of prostitutes. These are coded to Group 0311, Aggravated sexual assault; or Group 0312, Non-aggravated sexual assault.
1325 Offences against public order sexual standards
Engaging in sexual behaviour that does not involve physical assault on another, but that is likely to be offensive to members of the public, or that otherwise involves a prohibited form of intercourse.
Prostitution offences. These are coded to Group 1324, Prostitution offences.
Non-assaultive sexual offences against a child. These are coded to Group 0321, Non-assaultive sexual offences against a child.
Child pornography offences. These are coded to Group 0322, Child pornography offences.
Sexual servitude offences. These are coded to Group 0323, Sexual servitude offences.
1326 Consumption of legal substances in regulated spaces
Actions involving the consumption of legal substances (e.g. alcohol or tobacco) in prohibited or regulated public spaces.
Drink alcohol in an alcohol free zone
Possess alcohol in an alcohol free zone
Smoke in a designated non-smoking area
The production, and/or sale or purchase, of alcoholic or tobacco products without a licence or in breach of licensing conditions. These are coded to Group 1322, Liquor and tobacco offences.
1329 Regulated public order offences, nec
Regulated public order offences not elsewhere classified in Subdivision 132, Regulated public order offences.
Breach of euthanasia legislation not amounting to murder, manslaughter, attempted murder or assault
Advertise/seek out a surrogate mother
Kill an unborn child/infanticide. These are coded to Group 0131, Manslaughter.
Procure or commit illegal abortion. These are coded to Group 1695, Procure or commit illegal abortion.