The 2006 Census of Population and Housing found there were approximately 296,183 people whose main job in the week prior to Census night was in a cultural industry (classified by ANZSIC 1993) compared to 299,266 in 2001.
While industries as a whole reported a 10% increase in employment from 2001 to 2006, employment in cultural industries decreased by 1%. The size of the change over that period differed for individual cultural industries. For example, the largest increase in employment was in the photographic studios industry (45%). This was followed by a 28% increase in the other periodical publishing industry. The largest decrease in employment was 46% in the libraries, museums and the arts undefined industry followed by the libraries industry at 39%.
5.1 PERSONS EMPLOYED IN CULTURAL INDUSTRIES(a)(b) - August 2001 and 2006 |
 | Persons
2001 | Persons
2006 | Percentage
Change |
 | no. | no. | % |
Newspaper printing or publishing | 25 737 | 27 533 | 7.0 |
Other periodical publishing | 8 716 | 11 166 | 28.1 |
Book and other publishing(c) | 11 322 | 9 094 | -19.7 |
Film and video production | 7 702 | 8 215 | 6.7 |
Film and video distribution | 1 057 | 850 | -19.6 |
Motion picture exhibition | 10 079 | 8 852 | -12.2 |
Radio services | 5 879 | 5 230 | -11.0 |
Television services | 17 388 | 15 836 | -8.9 |
Film, video and TV services undefined(d) | 1 262 | 898 | -28.8 |
Music and theatre productions | 10 812 | 8 621 | -20.3 |
Creative arts | 9 345 | 9 325 | -0.2 |
Other services to the arts(e) | 5 643 | 5 582 | -1.1 |
Libraries | 11 451 | 6 986 | -39.0 |
Museums | 5 422 | 6 204 | 14.4 |
Libraries, museums and the arts undefined(f) | 977 | 526 | -46.2 |
Parks and gardens(g) | 10 322 | 8 840 | -14.4 |
Photographic studios | 4 868 | 7 059 | 45.0 |
Design(h) | 67 362 | 71 936 | 6.8 |
Other cultural industries | 83 922 | 83 430 | -0.6 |
Total cultural industries(i) | 299 266 | 296 183 | -1.0 |
(a) In their main job in the week before Census Night. |
(b) Industries defined by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 1993 (cat. no. 1292.0). |
(c) Includes publishing undefined. |
(d) Comprises motion picture, radio and TV services undefined, film and video services undefined and radio and TV services undefined. |
(e) Comprises sound recording studios, performing arts venues, services to the arts n.e.c and services to the arts undefined. |
(f) Includes arts undefined. |
(g) Comprises zoological and botanic gardens, recreational parks and gardens and parks and gardens undefined. |
(h) Comprises architectural services, commercial art and display services and advertising services. |
(i) Includes persons employed by religious organisations. |
Source: Employment in Culture, Australia, 2006 (cat. no. 6273.0). |
As displayed in table 5.2, in the 2006 Census 345,950 people stated that they were employed in the cultural industries (classified by ANZSIC 2006). The major employing industries were printing (37,543 people employed), other cultural industries (32,518), newspaper and book retailing (28,010), newspaper publishing (26,573) and other specialised design services (18,632). The smallest employing industries were music publishing (234 people employed), music and other sound recording activities (814) and motion picture and video distribution (871).
Compared with employment in all industries, those employed in cultural industries were more likely to:
- be female (49% in cultural industries, compared with 46% in all industries)
- work between 1 and 34 hours each week (34% compared with 30% in all industries)
- have a weekly income below $400 a week (25% compared with 21% in all industries).
About 45% of the people employed in the cultural industries had a cultural occupation (i.e. their work was culturally-orientated such as a writer, painter or curator), with the remainder having non-cultural occupations such as receptionists, sales assistants, clerks, cleaners and security guards.
5.2 Persons employed in cultural industries(a)(b)(c), By whether working in cultural occupations(d) - August 2006 |
 | Cultural
occupations | Other
occupations(e) | Total | Percentage of
which are
cultural |
Industry | no. | no. | no. | % |
Libraries and archives | 5 249 | 1 757 | 7 006 | 74.9 |
Museum operation | 2 619 | 3 793 | 6 412 | 40.8 |
Zoological and botanic gardens operation | 596 | 1 975 | 2 571 | 23.2 |
Nature reserves and conservation parks operation | 1 385 | 4 759 | 6 144 | 22.5 |
Printing | 17 960 | 19 583 | 37 543 | 47.8 |
Newspaper publishing | 12 386 | 14 187 | 26 573 | 46.6 |
Magazine and other periodical publishing | 3 726 | 4 852 | 8 578 | 43.4 |
Internet publishing and broadcasting | 308 | 850 | 1 158 | 26.6 |
Book publishing | 2 370 | 4 004 | 6 374 | 37.2 |
Music publishing | 36 | 198 | 234 | 15.4 |
Reproduction of recorded media | 298 | 1 988 | 2 286 | 13.0 |
Music and other sound recording activities | 495 | 319 | 814 | 60.8 |
Book and magazine wholesaling | 266 | 3 357 | 3 623 | 7.3 |
Entertainment media retailing | 300 | 5 332 | 5 632 | 5.3 |
Newspaper and book retailing | 233 | 27 777 | 28 010 | 0.8 |
Architectural services | 20 373 | 9 713 | 30 086 | 67.7 |
Advertising services | 8 092 | 19 555 | 27 647 | 29.3 |
Other specialised design services | 12 907 | 5 725 | 18 632 | 69.3 |
Motion picture and video production | 5 381 | 1 983 | 7 364 | 73.1 |
Post-production services and other motion picture and video activities | 515 | 383 | 898 | 57.3 |
Motion picture and video distribution | 114 | 757 | 871 | 13.1 |
Motion picture exhibition | 2 258 | 6 642 | 8 900 | 25.4 |
Radio broadcasting | 2 495 | 2 731 | 5 226 | 47.7 |
Free-to-air television broadcasting | 7 813 | 4 833 | 12 646 | 61.8 |
Cable and other subscription broadcasting | 556 | 2 372 | 2 928 | 19.0 |
Performing arts operation | 2 768 | 1 552 | 4 320 | 64.1 |
Creative artists, musicians, writers and performers | 11 923 | 2 558 | 14 481 | 82.3 |
Performing arts venue operation | 719 | 1 956 | 2 675 | 26.9 |
Video and other electronic media rental | 145 | 10 832 | 10 977 | 1.3 |
Professional photographic services | 5 242 | 1 875 | 7 117 | 73.7 |
Arts education | 12 059 | 3 647 | 15 706 | 76.8 |
Other cultural industries(f) | 15 604 | 16 914 | 32 518 | 48.0 |
Total cultural industries | 157 191 | 188 759 | 345 950 | 45.4 |
(a) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. |
(b) In their main job in the week before Census Night. |
(c) Industries defined by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 2006 (cat. no. 1292.0). |
(d) The cultural occupations included are a subset of the ANZSCO First Edition Alternative View Culture and Leisure. For more information see Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, First Edition, 2006 (cat. no. 1220.0). |
(e) Includes not stated or inadequately described. |
(f) Comprises religious organisations and funeral, crematorium and cemetery services. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Census of Population and Housing, 2006. |
The 2006 Census of Population and Housing found that there were 284,791 people whose main job in the week prior to Census night was in a cultural occupation (classified by ANZSCO). Some of the more common cultural occupations included design workers, architects and urban planners and printing workers.
According to the 2006 Census of Population and Housing, more males (55%) than females (45%) worked in cultural occupations. In particular, males dominated the occupations of broadcasting, film and recorded media equipment operator, camera operator, light and sound technician and television equipment operator. Conversely, females greatly outnumbered males in occupations such as library and archive workers and other arts support workers. More information can be found in
Employment in Culture, Australia, 2006 (cat. no. 6273.0).
According to the 2006 Census, the median weekly income for all persons working in cultural occupations was $741, compared with $718 for all employed persons.
5.3 EMPLOYED PERSONS BY OCCUPATION(a)(b)(c) - August 2006 |
 | Persons
employed |
Occupation | no. |
Built, collectable and environmental heritage workers | 9 763 |
Library and archive workers | 25 741 |
Other heritage workers | 68 |
Writers and print media workers | 23 769 |
Performing artists and music composers | 15 412 |
Performing arts support workers | 14 745 |
Visual arts and crafts professionals | 14 153 |
Architects and urban planners | 32 038 |
Design workers | 59 333 |
Broadcasting, film and recorded media equipment operators | 8 125 |
Printing workers | 31 073 |
Other arts support workers | 21 119 |
Other arts workers | 4 271 |
Other cultural occupations | 25 181 |
Total cultural occupations | 284 791 |
Other occupations(d) | 8 819 396 |
Total employed persons | 9 104 187 |
(a) Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. |
(b) In their main job in the week before Census Night. |
(c) The cultural occupations included are a subset of the ANZSCO First Edition Alternative View Culture and Leisure. For more information see Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, First Edition, 2006 (cat. no. 1220.0). |
(d) Includes not stated or inadequately described. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Census of Population and Housing, 2006. |