Archived content. This page is no longer actively maintained and may not function as intended. For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.
General Health
Includes: Self-assessed health status, Family stressors, Psychological distress
Long-Term Health Conditions
Includes: Asthma, Ear diseases and hearing problems, Diabetes, Heart and circulatory diseases, Kidney disease
Health Risk Factors
Includes: Overweight and obesity, Tobacco smoking, Alcohol consumption — Lifetime and single occasion risk, Illicit substance use, Daily fruit and vegetable intake, Exercise levels
Health-related Actions
Includes: Hospital visits and admissions, Consultations with health professionals: GP/specialist, dental professional, other health professional
Indigenous Regions
Includes: Long-term health conditions, Disability, Psychological distress, Alcohol consumption — Lifetime and single occasion risk, Illicit substance use, Family stressors
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