Publications |
4510.0 - Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia |
Data Cubes  |
VICTIMS, Offence category—1998–2007 |
PERSON VICTIMS, Sex and age group by offence category |
PERSON VICTIMISATION RATE, Sex and age group by offence category |
VICTIMS, Location where offence occurred by offence category |
VICTIMS, Use of weapon in commission of offence by offence category |
VICTIMS, Use of weapon in commission of offence—2001–2007 |
VICTIMS, Offence category by outcome of investigation at 30 days |
VICTIMS, Offence category, New South Wales—1998–2007 |
VICTIMS, Offence category, Victoria—1998–2007 |
VICTIMS, Offence category, Queensland—1998–2007 |
VICTIMS, Offence category, South Australia—1998–2007 |
VICTIMS, Offence category, Western Australia—1998–2007 |
VICTIMS, Offence category, Tasmania—1998–2007 |
VICTIMS, Offence category, Northern Territory—1998–2007 |
VICTIMS, Offence category, Australian Capital Territory—1998–2007 |
PERSON VICTIMS, Offence category by Indigenous status—New South Wales |
PERSON VICTIMISATION RATES, Offence category by Indigenous status—New South Wales |
PERSON VICTIMS, Offence category by Indigenous status—Australian Capital Territory |
PERSON VICTIMISATION RATE, Offence category by Indigenous status—Australian Capital Territory |
PERSON VICTIMS, Sex and age group by offence category |
Released 03/07/2008 |
VICTIMS, Location where offence occurred by offence category |
Released 03/07/2008 |
VICTIMS, Use of weapon in commission of offence by offence category |
Released 03/07/2008 |
VICTIMS, Offence category by outcome of investigation at 30 days |
Released 03/07/2008 |