The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this publication:
. . | not applicable |
ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AHS | Australian Health Survey |
ASGC | Australian Standard Geographical Classification |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
cm | centimetre |
GP | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
general practitioner |
HbA1c | Hemoglobin A1c is a form of hemoglobin (a blood pigment that carries oxygen) that is bound to glucose. |
ICD | International Classification of Diseases |
mmHg | millimetre of mercury |
MoE | margin of error |
na | not available |
nec | not elsewhere classified |
NHMRC | National Health and Medical Research Council |
NHS | National Health Survey |
np | not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated |
RSE | relative standard error |
SE | standard error |
SEIFA | Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas |
WHO | World Health Organization |