3235.8.55.001 - Population Estimates by Age and Sex, Australia, 2002, Jun 2002
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 14/08/2003
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System Requirements
The Geographic Classification field is hierarchic. State and sub-state data can be obtained from this field by following these instructions. It is necessary to select your desired geography in order to avoid double-counting, leading to incorrect totals being displayed in your table. Selecting hierarchical fields: Open the 'Fields' dialogue box if it is not already open (select Cross then Fields from the menu or Ctrl+F) and recode the 'Geographic Classification (ASGC XXXX)' hierarchical field:
There are two hierarchies within the Geographic Classification (ASGC XXXX) field; LGA/SLA and SD/SSD/SLA. Therefore two field values, both labelled 'Total' (or the relevant state for state datacubes eg 'New South Wales'), will be displayed at the top of the Field Values list box and are the top items in the hierarchy. If this field is already in the table, the two field values will be displayed at the top of the Recode Values list box, and need to be removed. Choose the Select All button then the Remove button to move them across to the Field Values list box. Double-click the across-arrow symbol in front of the 'Australia' (or relevant state) field value. The next sub-menu items will be displayed. Continue double-clicking the across-arrow symbol to reveal sub-menu items until the sub-menu item displays with the down-arrow symbol pointing downwards indicating that all the sub-menu items have been displayed. Values can be grouped or added singly and other sub-area values, from anywhere within the hierarchy, can also be selected and included. To make the selections more obvious, choose the Use Both option, which displays both the ASGC code and name, specifying the level (eg state, SSD, SD, LGA or SLA). HINTS & TIPS