Changes in forthcoming issues
International merchandise trade commodity classification update
From the July 2019 reference month, there will be amendments to statistical item codes across imports and exports, which support Australian legislation and act to align the Australian trade classifications with current World Customs Organisation advice. All changes, described below, will be detailed in Appendices 6.1 and 6.2 of a new issue of the International Merchandise Trade Australia: Concepts, Sources and Methods (cat. no. 5489.0) and a re-issue of the Australian Harmonized Export Commodity Classification (AHECC) (cat. no. 1233.0); both of which will be published on June 25, 2019.
In force 1 July, 2019, are the following changes to Australian international merchandise trade commodity classifications:
1. Exports – Infant Milk Powder (Chapters 04 and 19)
The removal of the headings for infant milk powder in Chapter 04 brings the AHECC into alignment with advice issued by the World Customs Organisation which directs classification of infant milk powder to Chapter 19.
2. Imports – Fresh Cut Flowers (Chapter 06)
New codes to allow Individual identification of 15 new species which pose the highest biosecurity risk to Australia (based on quantity of imports and pest interceptions). This change will support the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources’ functions under the Biosecurity Act 2015.
3. Imports – Beer (Chapter 22)
In line with support for Australian craft brewers and distillers, announced in the 2018-19 Budget, the Customs Tariff Amendment (Craft Beer) Bill 2019 and Excise Tariff Amendment (Supporting Craft Brewers) Bill 2019 have recently been passed. These Acts, in combination with established international agreements, trigger amendments (increased detail) to the Customs Tariff Act 1995 and therefore to the Combined Australian Customs Tariff Nomenclature and Statistical Classification (Working Tariff) and ABS commodity statistical item classifications.