In 2010, there were 73,969 victims of assault in New South Wales, with an overall victimisation rate of 1021.8 victims per 100,000 persons.
Sex and Age
Males accounted for 57% (41,898) of victims of assault, compared to 43% (31,974) female assault victims. For both males and females, the highest proportion of victims were aged between 25 and 34 years, comprising 23% (9,579) of all assault victims for males and 24% (7,539) for females.
Relationship of offender to victim
In 2010, male victims were most likely to be assaulted by a person unknown to them, with 42% (17,506) of male victims identifying the offender as a stranger. This is contrary to females, with 48% (15,363) of victims identifying a family member as the offender. In 16% (4,993) of cases, female victims in New South Wales were assaulted by a stranger.
Victims of assault, Sex by relationship of offender to victim
- New South Wales

Weapon use and Location of offence
Assault victims in New South Wales were most likely to be assaulted without a weapon (92%), than with a weapon (8%). The most common location of assaults for male victims was in community areas (39% or 16,191 victims), followed by residential locations (36% or 15,052 victims). For females, the most common location for assaults was in residential locations (63% or 20,138 victims), followed by community areas (23% or 7,433 victims).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims
In 2010, 7% of victims of assault in New South Wales identified as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons accounted for 4% (1,783) of male assault victims, compared to 10% (3,136) of female assault victims.