Archived content. This page is no longer actively maintained and may not function as intended. For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.
In November 2011, the trend estimate of monthly retail turnover in the ACT remained relatively unchanged (0.0%) compared with a 0.3% increase nationally.
The ACT's seasonally adjusted estimate decreased by 1.9% in November 2011.
Estimated retail turnover in November 2011 was 1.5% lower in trend terms than in November 2010. The ACT was the only state in which turnover fell, in trend terms, from November 2010 to November 2011.
Estimates of the value of turnover of retail trade are compiled from the monthly Retail Business Survey, which collects sales data from a random sample of approximately 500 'large' businesses and 2,750 'smaller' businesses across Australia. The scope of the survey is all employing retail trade businesses selling predominantly to households. Industries included in the survey are defined according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006. For the purpose of Retail trade statistics, these industries are classified into 6 broad industry groups and 15 subgroups. Retail trade statistics released at the broad industry level include Food retailing; Household goods retailing; Clothing, footwear and personal accessory retailing; Department stores; Other retailing; and Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services.
Turnover in retail trade includes retail sales, wholesale sales and (from July 2000) the goods and services tax as well as certain other takings and commission. For more information refer to the Explanatory Notes of Retail Trade, Australia (cat. no. 8501.0).
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