The NASR's first phase provided a broad view of the NASIS and initiated a public submission and consultation process. Input was received from across government, industry, academia and the community.
The analysis of the inputs from the NASR’s first phase of consultation shows that the enduring goals for Australian agriculture and supporting data themes reflect the strategic directions of the sector. Statistical assets that target these enduring goals and data themes are likely to meet the high level information needs of the sector.
Across the NASIS, the information needs of stakeholders are broadly being met, with important information needs across stakeholders including: production (value and volume), profitability, business characteristics, productivity, imports/exports, market access and supply chain information.
How well information needs are being met also varies between stakeholder groups, with the information needs of industry being less well met than those of government.
The most frequently reported information need not being met for stakeholders by existing statistical assets related to specific attributes of agricultural commodities, such as volume of production and number of operators in an industry. At a broad level, all of the need categories described have statistical assets publicly available to meet the information need. Two issues could be involved; that the statistics are not disaggregated to the level of detail required and/or the relevant statistical assets are not discoverable or easily accessible.
There are existing areas of concern or emerging areas of concern raised by stakeholders which revolve around respondent burden and data quality. Identifying ways to resolve these concerns will be determined through consultation with system stakeholders in the areas of innovation, coordination and governance and resourcing which are discussed in detail below.
Additionally, there is a noted information need for improved agricultural trade (imports and exports) and supply chain statistics. The NASR will further explore the information need gap in these areas in the second phase of consultation with appropriate stakeholders of the NASIS.