The following microdata products are currently available from the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, Core Content - Risk Factors and Selected Health Conditions (AATSIHS) 2012-13:
- TableBuilder
- two Expanded CURFs
Apply online for access to the TableBuilder at
Apply for access to the CURF in MiCRO.
These products provide data for the common topics and combined samples from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (NATSIHS) 2012-13 and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (NATSINPAS) 2012-13 components of the AATSIHS 2012-13.
Data item topics include demographic and geographic information, health risk factors and selected health conditions. In addition, biomedical data for NATSIHS respondents and NATSINPAS respondents who agreed to participate are also available.
Detailed lists of data items for both the TableBuilder file and the CURF are available on the Downloads tab. Users should examine the data item lists prior to purchasing a product to ensure the data they require is available.
For more information about TableBuilder refer to
For more information about CURFs refer to
This product is produced in Microdata format on a Irregular basis. |
Issue Details |  |
 | First Issue: 2012-13
Latest Issue: 2012-13
Price on Application