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An area, incorporating all living and non-living components, that is dominated by trees having usually a single stem and a mature or potentially mature stand height exceeding 2 metres and with existing or potential crown cover of overstorey strata equal to or greater than 20%. This definition includes Australia's diverse native forests and plantations, regardless of age, and encompasses areas of trees that are sometimes described as woodlands. Forests are categorised by forest type (dominant genus) and by height and crown cover class (forest structure) (BRS 2010).
Forest crown cover
Crown cover is the area of ground covered by tree canopies. A line around the outer edge defines the limits of an individual canopy. All the area within that line is counted as 'canopy', irrespective of gaps and overlaps (BRS 2010).
Invasive Species
Non-indigenous species which have an adverse impact on the habitats they invade, posing a potential threat to Australia's biodiversity. They can displace native species, cause environmental damage and have a flow on effect to other plants and animals as well as the economy such as agricultural production.
Irrigation Salinity
If the water table rises through increased irrigation then irrigation salinity occurs
Old growth forests
Old growth forests are ecologically mature forests where the effects of past disturbances are now negligible (BRS 2010).
Nature conservation reserves
Crown lands that are formally reserved for environmental, conservation and recreational purposes.
Plantations are intensively managed stands of trees, of native or exotic species, created by the regular placement of seedlings or seeds. The primary purpose of plantation forestry is wood production. Plantation species fall into two groups: softwood - mainly pine (Pinus) species; and hardwood - mainly eucalypts, including 'Eucalyptus' and 'Corymbia' species (BRS 2010).
Regional forest agreements (RFAs)
RFAs are 20-year plans for the conservation and sustainable management of Australia's native forests. The Agreements provide certainty for forest-based industries, forest-dependent communities and conservation. They are the result of years of scientific study, consultation and negotiation covering a diverse range of interests. There are ten RFAs in four States: Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales. Queensland also surveyed their forests to identify old-growth forests, but it did not lead to the establishment of a RFA.
Weeds are unwanted plant species. Weeds can be native or exotic species, and can be regarded as a nuisance or harmful to the environment where they compete against cultivated or native plants and threaten biodiversity.
An area, incorporating all living and non-living components, that is dominated by trees having usually a single stem and a mature or potentially mature stand height exceeding 2 metres and with existing or potential crown cover of overstorey strata equal to or greater than 20%. This definition includes Australia's diverse native forests and plantations, regardless of age, and encompasses areas of trees that are sometimes described as woodlands. Forests are categorised by forest type (dominant genus) and by height and crown cover class (forest structure) (BRS 2010).
Forest crown cover
Crown cover is the area of ground covered by tree canopies. A line around the outer edge defines the limits of an individual canopy. All the area within that line is counted as 'canopy', irrespective of gaps and overlaps (BRS 2010).
Invasive Species
Non-indigenous species which have an adverse impact on the habitats they invade, posing a potential threat to Australia's biodiversity. They can displace native species, cause environmental damage and have a flow on effect to other plants and animals as well as the economy such as agricultural production.
Irrigation Salinity
If the water table rises through increased irrigation then irrigation salinity occurs
Old growth forests
Old growth forests are ecologically mature forests where the effects of past disturbances are now negligible (BRS 2010).
Nature conservation reserves
Crown lands that are formally reserved for environmental, conservation and recreational purposes.
Plantations are intensively managed stands of trees, of native or exotic species, created by the regular placement of seedlings or seeds. The primary purpose of plantation forestry is wood production. Plantation species fall into two groups: softwood - mainly pine (Pinus) species; and hardwood - mainly eucalypts, including 'Eucalyptus' and 'Corymbia' species (BRS 2010).
Regional forest agreements (RFAs)
RFAs are 20-year plans for the conservation and sustainable management of Australia's native forests. The Agreements provide certainty for forest-based industries, forest-dependent communities and conservation. They are the result of years of scientific study, consultation and negotiation covering a diverse range of interests. There are ten RFAs in four States: Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales. Queensland also surveyed their forests to identify old-growth forests, but it did not lead to the establishment of a RFA.
Weeds are unwanted plant species. Weeds can be native or exotic species, and can be regarded as a nuisance or harmful to the environment where they compete against cultivated or native plants and threaten biodiversity.