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1 This publication presents results from the 2012 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) conducted throughout Australia from 5 August 2012 to 2 March 2013. This is the seventh comprehensive national survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to measure disability, following similar surveys in 1981, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003 and 2009.
2 The aims of the survey were to:
measure the prevalence of disability in Australia
measure the need for support of older people and those with disability
provide a demographic and socio-economic profile of people with disability, older people and carers compared with the general population
estimate the number of and provide information about people who provide care to people with disability, long-term health conditions and older people.
3 The main concepts relating to disability are each defined separately within the Glossary. These are:
long-term health condition
specific limitation or restriction
core activity limitation and levels of restriction
need for assistance.
4 For more information about collection of the data, please refer to the Explanatory Notes of the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers Summary of Findings, 2012.
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