Time series spreadsheet table number and name | Previous table number | Time series spreadsheet file name |
Table 1. Key National Accounts Aggregates | Table 1 | 5206001_Key_Aggregates.xls |
Table 2. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Chain volume measures | Table 2 | 5206002_Expenditure_Volume_Measures.xls |
Table 3. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Current prices | Table 3 | 5206003_Expenditure_Current_Price.xls |
Table 4. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Chain price indexes | Table 4 | 5206004_Expenditure_Price_Indexes.xls |
Table 5. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Implicit price deflators | Table 5 | 5206005_Expenditure_Implicit_Price_Deflators.xls |
Table 6. Gross Value Added by Industry, Chain volume measures | Table 6 | 5206006_Industry_GVA.xls |
Table 7. Income from Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Current prices | Table 7 | 5206007_Income_From_GDP.xls |
Table 8. Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HFCE) | Table 8 | 5206008_Household_Final_Consumption_Expenditure.xls |
Table 9. Changes in Inventories | Table 9 | 5206009_Changes_In_Inventories.xls |
Table 10. Agricultural Income, Current prices | Table 10 | 5206010_Agricultural_Income.xls |
Table 11. National Income Account, Current prices | Table 11 | 5206011_National_Income_Account.xls |
Table 12. National Capital Account, Current prices | Table 12 | 5206012_National_Capital_Account.xls |
Table 13. Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 5206013_NFC_Income.xls |
Table 14. Private Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 5206014_PriNFC_Income.xls |
Table 15. Public Non-Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 5206015_PubNFC_Income.xls |
Table 16. Financial Corporations Income Account, Current prices | ![](/icons/ecblank.gif) | 5206016_FC_Income.xls |
Table 17. General Government Income Account, Current prices | Table 15 | 5206017_Gen_Govt_Income_Account.xls |
Table 18. National General Government Income Account, Current prices | Table 16 | 5206018_Nat_Gen_Govt_Income_Account.xls |
Table 19. State and Local General Government Income Account, Current prices | Table 17 | 5206019_StateLocal_Gen_Govt_Income_Account.xls |
Table 20. Household Income Account, Current prices | Table 14 | 5206020_Household_Income.xls |
Table 21. External Account, Current prices | Table 13 | 5206021_External_Account.xls |
Table 22. Taxes, Current prices | Table 18 | 5206022_Taxes.xls |
Table 23. Social Assistance Benefits Payments, Current prices | Table 19 | 5206023_Social_Assistance_Benefits.xls |
Table 24. Selected Analytical Series | Table 20 | 5206024_Selected_Analytical_Series.xls |
Table 25. State Final Demand, Summary Components by State: Chain volume measures | Table 21 | 5206025_SFD_Summary.xls |
Table 26. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: New South Wales | Table 22 | 5206026_SFD_NSW.xls |
Table 27. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Victoria | Table 23 | 5206027_SFD_VIC.xls |
Table 28. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Queensland | Table 24 | 5206028_SFD_QLD.xls |
Table 29. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: South Australia | Table 25 | 5206029_SFD_SA.xls |
Table 30. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Western Australia | Table 26 | 5206030_SFD_WA.xls |
Table 31. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Tasmania | Table 27 | 5206031_SFD_TAS.xls |
Table 32. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Northern Territory | Table 28 | 5206032_SFD_NT.xls |
Table 33. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Australian Capital Territory | Table 29 | 5206033_SFD_ACT.xls |
Table 34. Key Aggregates and analytical series, Annual | Table 30 | 5206034_Key_Aggregates_and_Analytical_Series_Annual_data.xls |
Table 35. Income from GDP and Changes in Inventories, Annual | Table 31 | 5206035_Income_from_GDP_Inventories_Annual.xls |
Table 36. Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Chain volume measures and Current prices, Annual | Table 32 | 5206036_Expenditure_on_GDP_Annual.xls |
Table 37. Industry Gross Value Added, Chain volume measures, Annual | Table 33 | 5206037_Industry_Gross_Value_Added_Annual.xls |
Table 38. National Income Account, Current prices, Annual | Table 34 | 5206038_National_Income_Account_Annual.xls |
Table 39. National Capital Account, Current prices, Annual | Table 35 | 5206039_National_Capital_Account_Annual.xls |
Table 40. External Account, Current prices, Annual | Table 36 | 5206040_External_Account_Annual.xls |
Table 41. Indexes of Industrial Production | Table 37 | 5206041_Industry_Indexes.xls |
Table 42. Unit Labour Costs | Table 38 | 5206042_Unit_Labour_Costs.xls |
Table 43. Indexes of Industrial Production, Annual | Table 39 | 5206043_Industry_Indexes_Annual.xls |
Table 44. Compensation of Employees, State by Sector: Current prices | Table 40 | 5206044_State_COE_Summary.xls |