A1 |
 | Criteria used in non-remote areas (Computer-assisted interview) | Criteria use in remote areas (Pen and paper interview) |  |
Common criteria |  |
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 | Sight problems not corrected by glasses or contact lenses | Problems with your sight or seeing things and cannot see normally wearing glasses or contact lenses |  |
 | Hearing problems | Problems hearing |  |
 | Speech problems | Problems speaking |  |
 | Blackouts, fits or loss of consciousness | Blackouts or fits |  |
 | Difficulty learning or understanding things | Problems learning or understanding things |  |
 | Limited use of arms or fingers | Problems using your arms and fingers |  |
 | Difficulty gripping things | Problems holding things or picking things up |  |
 | Limited use of legs or feet | Problems using your legs and feet |  |
 | Shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing | Trouble breathing that makes doing things difficult |  |
 | Chronic or recurring pain | Pain that makes doing things difficult |  |
 | Long term effects as a result of a head injury, stroke or other brain damage | Problems doing things now because of a knock to the head or a stroke |  |
 | A long term condition that requires treatment or medication | Going to the doctor or clinic or taking any medicine for any other health problems |  |
 | Any other long term condition such as arthritis, asthma, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia etc. | Going to the doctor/clinic or taking medicine, but still having problems because of these/this health condition |  |
Broader criteria |  |
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 | Any condition that restricts physical activity or physical work (e.g. back problems, migraines) |  |  |
 | Any disfigurement or deformity |  |  |
 | Any mental illness for which help or supervision is required |  |  |
 | Restricted in everyday activities due to a nervous or emotional condition |  |  |
|  |