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This publication contains summary statistics on deaths registered in Australia between 2001 and 2010 where the underlying cause of death was classified as Intentional self-harm as per the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 (ICD-10 codes X60-X84, Y87.0). Data for suicide deaths is presented by age, sex, mechanism of suicide, state or territory of Australia (including capital city statistical division and balance of state/territory), country of birth, Indigenous status, and multiple cause of death. The 2010 data presented in this publication are preliminary data and will be subject to a revision process. Revised 2009 and final 2008 cause of death data are also presented in this publication. In addition 2006 cause of death data has undergone a revisions process with final 2006 data presented here. For further information on the revision process see the Explanatory Notes and Technical Note for the publication Causes of Death, Australia, 2010.
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