As people get older their accommodation needs begin to change. Changes may include modifying their home to include things such as ramps and rails or deciding to move to smaller properties or cared-accommodation. In 2012, 90% of older Australians lived in private dwellings, 5.5% were in cared-accommodation and 4.0% lived in 'other non-private dwellings' such as caravan parks and self-care units in retirement villages. (Table 6)
Of the population of older Australians with disability, most lived in a private dwelling (85%) and needed some form of assistance (56%) with one or more activities of daily life. While most older people with disability lived with others, there were around 61,300 older people with a profound core activity limitation living alone in a private dwelling in 2012. (Table 6 and Figure 3)
Figure 3: Older People, by disability status, living arrangement and need for assistance.