Archived content. This page is no longer actively maintained and may not function as intended. For the latest information and statistics visit the ABS Website.
In 2009-10, Victorian households consumed 327 GL of water, representing 11% of all water consumption in the state. Agriculture was the highest consuming sector, accounting for 1,553 GL (or 54% of all consumption).
Household water consumption in 2009-10 was 4% lower than in 2008-09.
Per capita household water use in 2009-10 (59kL) decreased by 6% from 2008-09 (63 kL).
Total water consumption fell by 3% between 2008-09 and 2009-10, from 2,991 GL to 2,899 GL.
How is household water consumption calculated?
The ABS calculates total household water consumption by combining the amount of water distributed to households by water providers with the amount extracted through bores and other self-extraction facilities.'Self-extracted ' water use is calculated by applying a coefficient, based on average number of kilolitres used per household connection, to the households known not to be served by water providers.
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