The Australian Census of Population and Housing is one of Australia's key statistical datasets underpinning a number of essential statistical assets presenting the most detailed view available of Australian society. The ABS Census Data Enhancement (CDE) project aims to realise the potential of this powerful dataset even further, bringing it together with existing data sources to unlock new insights into Australian society. This paper presents outcomes from the 2011 CDE project.
Building on exploratory work associated with the 2006 Census, the 2011 CDE project has successfully expanded the range of statistics available for research and policy purposes. It has done this by linking the Census to high value data sources to allow more in-depth analysis than would be possible using the datasets in isolation. The creation of the first Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset has been a highlight. It provides a unique opportunity for researchers and policy makers to examine pathways and transitions of population groups. Linking Census data with death registration, migration and education datasets has also led to improvements in the evidence base for decision making, as well as data quality and availability.
I would like to thank the Australian community, governments and organisations for their support. Together we have been able to improve and efficiently expand the range of official statistics available to Australian society whilst continuing to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and privacy.
Jonathan Palmer
Acting Australian Statistician
November 2014