About this Release
21/03/2014: The MapStats product is no longer available. For access to 2006 Census data, please visit the 2006 data page. TableBuilder Basic is a free online tool that you can use to build basic or complex tables using Census data.
02/04/08 Note: 2006 Census MapStats on Agricultural Boundaries have been issued.
The MapStats product is designed to provide users with quick and easy access to thematically mapped Census statistics. The maps are available for larger geographies and illustrate the distribution of selected population, ethnicity, education, family, income, labour force, and dwelling characteristics.
Users have the opportunity to select a topic of interest and the level of geographic disaggregation that best suits their needs.
The maps include a scale bar for reference and also contain identifiers including main roads, rivers, and airports, to help viewers to recognise areas. In addition, selected areas are labelled.
For each 'MapStat' a legend with a maximum of five classes (colours) has been used so that the viewer is able to distinguish each class clearly. Class intervals which reflect the distribution of the data are calculated using a 'Natural Break' method. The 'Natural Break' method divides the data into classes based on the natural groups occurring in the data distribution. This method uses a statistical formula that calculates groupings of data values based on data distribution; it seeks to reduce variance within groups and maximize variance between groups.