6105.0 - Australian Labour Market Statistics, Oct 2010  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 08/10/2010   
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No. Table description Data source Notes

1.1 Labour force status: trend series Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0)
6202.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 1
1.2 Age by martial status 6291.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 1
1.3 States and territories Labour Force, Australia (cat. no. 6202.0) Excludes Capital city/balance of state
6291.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 2
1.4 Educational attendance 6291.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 3a More detailed Age
1.5 Country of birth 6291.0.55.001 data cube LM4 Includes Sex, State, less detailed Country of birth
6291.0.55.001 data cube LM5 Includes Sex, Age, State, less detailed Country of birth
6291.0.55.001 data cube LM6 Includes Sex, State
6291.0.55.001 data cube LM7 Includes Sex, State, less detailed Country of birth
Year of arrival 6291.0.55.001 data cube LM4 Includes Sex, State, less detailed Country of birth
6291.0.55.001 data cube LM7 Includes Sex, State, less detailed Country of birth
1.6 Relationship in household 6291.0.55.001 data cube FM1 Includes State
6291.0.55.001 data cube FM2 Includes Age
6291.0.55.001 data cube FM3 Includes Hours worked
6291.0.55.001 data cube FM4 Unemployed persons only, includes Duration of unemployment
1.7 Families 6224.0.55.001 data cube FA2
1.8 International comparisons International Labour Organisation, LABORSTA database: http://laborsta.ilo.org
2.1 Industry: trend 6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 4 Includes Employed full-time, Employed part-time
2.2 Industry: divisions and subdivisions 6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 6
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO3 Includes Sex, State, Hours worked, less detailed Industry
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO5 Includes Sex, Age, Status in employment, Hours worked
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO6 Includes Sex, State, Status in employment, Hours worked, more detailed Occupation
2.3 Occupation 6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 7 Less detailed Occupation
6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 12 Includes Hours worked, less detailed Occupation
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO7 Includes Age, Hours worked, Status in employment
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO8 Includes State, Status in employment, more detailed Occupation
2.4 Industry and occupation by full-time/part-time status 6291.0.55.003 data cube EO9 Includes State, Hours worked
2.5 Industry by status in employment 6291.0.55.003 data cube EO4 Includes Sex, State, excludes Industry
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO5 Includes Sex, Age, more detailed Industry
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO6 Includes Sex, State, more detailed Industry
Occupation by status in employment 6291.0.55.003 data cube EO4 Includes Sex, State, excludes Occupation
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO7 Includes Sex, Age, more detailed Occupation
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO8 Includes Sex, State, more detailed Occupation
Hours worked in all jobs by status in employment 6291.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 8 Excludes Hours worked, includes Sex, Employed full-time, Employed part-time
6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 13 Includes Sex
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO4 Includes Sex, State
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO5 Includes Sex, Age, Industry
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO6 Includes Sex, State, Industry
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO7 Includes Sex, Age, Occupation
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO8 Includes Sex, State, Occupation
2.6 Average hours worked in all jobs by Industry 6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 11
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO3 Includes State
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO5 Includes Age, Status in employment, more detailed Industry
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO6 Includes State, Status in employment, more detailed industry
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO9 Includes State, Occupation
Actual hours worked in all jobs 6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 12
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO7 Includes Age, Status in employment, more detailed Occupation
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO8 Includes State, Status in employment, more detailed Occupation
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO9 Includes State, Industry
2.7 Actual hours worked in all jobs 6291.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 9
6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 11 Includes Industry
6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 12 Includes Occupation
6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 13 Includes Status in employment
6291.0.55.001 data cube EM1 Includes Age, State
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO3 Includes State, Industry
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO4 Includes State, Status in employment
2.8 Actual hours worked in all jobs 6291.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 9
6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 11 Includes Industry
6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 12 Includes Occupation
6291.0.55.003 spreadsheet table 13 Includes Status in employment
6291.0.55.001 data cube EM1 Includes Age, State
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO3 Includes State, Age
6291.0.55.003 data cube EO4 Includes State, Status in employment
Usual hours worked in all jobs 6291.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 10
6291.0.55.001 data cube EM3 Includes Age, State
6291.0.55.001 data cube EM1 Includes State, Industry
2.9 Full-time workers who worked less then 35 hours in all jobs 6291.0.55.003 data cube EM2 Includes Age, State, Hours worked
2.10 Future employment expectations by whether been with current employer/business less/more than 12 months 6291.0.55.003 data cube EO2 Includes Future employment expectations, whether been with current employer/business less/more than 12 months, State, Age
2.11 Public sector employees: state and territories Employment and Earnings, Public Sector, Australia, 2008-09 (cat. no. 6248.0.55.002)
2.12 Public sector employees: Industry Employment and Earnings, Public Sector, Australia, 2008-09 (cat. no. 6248.0.55.002)
3.1 Unemployed persons: duration of unemployment by age 6291.0.55.001 data cube UM2 Excludes Age, median duration of employment
6291.0.55.001 data cube UM3 Excludes median Duration of unemployment
3.2 Long-term unemployed 6291.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 14B
6291.0.55.001 data cube UM2 Excludes trend data, includes State, more detailed Duration of unemployment
6291.0.55.001 data cube UM3 Excludes trend data, includes State, Age
3.3 Unemployed persons: reason for unemployment by industry 6291.0.55.003 data cube UQ1 Excludes Industry of last job
6291.0.55.003 data cube UQ1 Excludes Industry of last job
Unemployed persons: reason for unemployment by occupation 6291.0.55.003 data cube UQ1 Excludes Occupation of last job
4.1 Underutilised labour: trend series 6202.0 spreadsheet table 21 Includes Underemployed workers, Underemployment rate, Underutilisation rate, Age, Sex
4.2 Underutilised labour: seasonally adjusted series 6202.0 spreadsheet table 21 Includes Underemployed workers, Underemployment rate, Underutilisation rate, Age, Sex
4.3 Underutilised labour by state and territories: trend 6202.0 spreadsheet table 22 Includes Underemployed workers, Underemployment rate, Underutilisation rate, Age, Sex, State
4.4 Underutilised labour by state and territories: seasonally adjusted 6202.0 spreadsheet table 22 Includes Underemployed workers, Underemployment rate, Underutilisation rate, Age, Sex, State
4.5 Underutilised labour by age: trend 6202.0 spreadsheet table 21 Includes Underemployed workers, Underemployment rate, Underutilisation rate, Age, Sex
4.6 Underemployed by industry and occupation Labour Force Survey Data available on request
4.7 Persons not in the labour force 6291.0.55.001 data cube NM1
5.1 Wage price index Labour Price Index, Australia (cat. no. 6345.0)
Wage price index: trend data 6345.0 spreadsheet table 1
Wage price index: Australia, state and territories 6345.0 spreadsheet table 2b
Wage price index: private sector 6345.0 spreadsheet table 3b Includes State and territories
Wage price index: public sector 6345.0 spreadsheet table 4b Includes State and territories
Wage price index: industry 6345.0 spreadsheet table 5b Includes Sector
5.2 Average weekly earnings Average Weekly Earnings, Australia (cat. no. 6302.0)
Average weekly earnings by sex 6302.0 spreadsheet table 1 Includes Full-time adult total earnings
Average weekly earnings: private sector 6302.0 spreadsheet table 4 Includes Full-time adult total earnings
Average weekly earnings: public sector 6302.0 spreadsheet table 7 Includes Full-time adult total earnings
5.3 Compensation of employees Australian National Accounts: National income, Expenditure and Product (cat. no. 5206.0)
6.1 Industrial disputes: working days lost Industrial Disputes, Australia (cat. no. 6321.0.55.001)
Industrial disputes: working days lost by state 6321.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 3a
Industrial disputes: working days lost by industry 6321.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 2a
6.2 Industrial disputes: working days lost per 1,000 employees Industrial Disputes, Australia (cat. no. 6321.0.55.001)
Industrial disputes: working days lost per 1,000 employees by state 6321.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 3b
Industrial disputes: working days lost per 1,000 employees by industry 6321.0.55.001 spreadsheet table 2b
7.1 Job vacancies Job Vacancies, Australia (cat. no. 6354.0)
Job vacancies: Australia, states and territories 6354.0 spreadsheet table 1
Job vacancies: Indsustry 6354.0 spreadsheet table 4