A statistical standard is a set of component which produce consistent and high quality statistical output across collections and over time. It includes components such as:
- the standard name of the variable
- the standard definition of the variable
- the standard question(s)
- the standard classification
- standard coding procedure and standard output categories.
Examination of the 2006 Census data and information from stakeholders and external sources indicated that some aspects of the standard classifications required additions, removals or changes to improve their accuracy and applicability. As a result, in 2011 the ABS undertook a minor review of a number of ABS Standards. There was no evidence to suggest that a more comprehensive review was necessary. The reviews to the Standards were intended to be an update only - there was no attempt to review the conceptual model underpinning the classifications or to make major structural changes to the Standards.
The Australian Standards of interest to users of migrant data that have been updated as part of the 2011 review include:
To maintain ASCCEG's relevance and usability, and to provide a more comprehensive representation of cultural and ethnic groups in Australia, a number of changes to this classification have been implemented. These included: adding 'Peoples of the Sudan' to the two digit level; expanding the classification at the four digit level; as well as reinstating, moving, renaming or deleting some cultural or ethnic groups from the classification. There have been no structural changes at the (one digit) Broad Group level. Refer to What has changed for more information.
The ASCCEG was developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for use in the collection, storage and dissemination of all Australian statistical and administrative data relating to ancestry in Australia. The ASCCEG is the Australian statistical standard for classifying ancestry data within the Australian population. ASCCEG is designed to be used for the classification of information relating to topics such as ancestry, ethnic identity, and cultural diversity. Although these topics have elements of difference, it is considered that the concept common to them all, and underpinning the classification, is ethnicity.
The About the Review link provides more information on the purpose of the 2011 ASCCEG review and how it was conducted. The ASCCEG, 2011 Excel data cube can be accessed via this link.
Since the review of the ASCL in 2005, some languages within Australia have emerged, undergone name changes or experienced an increase or reduction in their numbers. The aim of the 2011 review was to maintain the ASCL's relevance and usability, and to provide a more comprehensive representation of languages in Australian society.
The ASCL was designed for use in the collection, aggregation and dissemination of data relating to languages spoken in Australia and used to classify language use associated with the language variables, 'First Language Spoken,' 'Languages Spoken at Home,' 'Main Language Spoken' and 'Main Language Other than English Spoken at Home'. The ASCL has been widely used within the ABS and by other organisations, with health, community services, and education organisations adopting the ASCL in a number of their administrative and service delivery collections.
The following links provide further ASCL information About the Review, and What's Changed. The ASCL, 2011 Classification Structure Excel data cube can be accessed via this link. |
The 2011 edition of SACC revises the previously released Second Edition of SACC, released in 2008. The SACC is the Australian statistical standard for social statistics classified by country and is intended for use in the collection, storage and dissemination of all Australian social statistical data classified by country. The classification is based on the concept of geographic proximity. The structure groups neighbouring countries into progressively broader geographic areas on the basis of their similarities in social, cultural, economic and political characteristics.
The classification is intended for use whenever demographic, labour and social statistics are classified by country. For example, the classification should be used when collecting, aggregating and disseminating data relating to characteristics such as birthplace, country of residence, or country of origin. The ABS uses the SACC and promotes its use by other government agencies, private organisations, community groups, and individuals, where appropriate.
The changes resulting from the SACC review are detailed in
What's Changed as well as in the
SACC, 2011 Excel data cube.
Upcoming Reviews for further information about Statistical Standards and proposed reviews for Social Standards over the next three years.