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Contents A table comprises a number of cells (or counts) associated with two or more variables. For example, cross-classifying the variables Age (AGEP) and Sex (SEXP) provides separate counts (cells) of the number of males and females in each age group. The variables in a table may not necessarily use the full classification available. Recodes are used to reduce the size of tables while maintaining the usefulness of the data. See also Census Table Specification Service, Customised tables. The census form seeks information about people who usually reside in a household but who are temporarily absent on Census Night. Coders use the following temporary absentees in determining household and family classifications:
There are four different classifications available about persons temporarily absent. These are:
Location of Spouse (SPLF) also identifies present and temporarily absent spouses in a family. The only data gathered on temporarily absent persons are sex, age, person's relationship in household and whether the person is a full-time student. This information is used to assist in family coding. All other information for persons temporarily absent, and in Australia on Census Night, should have been obtained at their place of enumeration. However, this information is not able to be related back to this household. See also Child, Child under 15, Non-dependent child, Household, Partner. See Dwelling Structure (STRD). Tenure type describes whether a household, is purchasing, rents or owns, the dwelling in which it was enumerated on Census Night, or whether the household occupies it under another arrangement. Tenure type is derived from the responses to a series of questions. The TEND category 'Being purchased under a rent/buy scheme' refers to households who are both purchasing some equity in the dwelling, and paying rent for the remainder. 'Being occupied under a life tenure scheme' refers to households or individuals who have a 'life tenure' contract to live in the dwelling but usually do not have any equity in the dwelling. This is a common arrangement in retirement villages. Tenure Type (TEND) is applicable to all occupied private dwellings. See also Landlord Type (LLDD). See Dwelling Structure (STR). See State, Geographical Australia. Thematic maps are maps which show various geographic regions which are shaded or patterned, or use some other graphic tool (for example, different sized arrows), to convey differences in a particular characteristic. Census data are particularly popular for these types of maps as a wide range of characteristics is available for small areas. These areas, and the associated statistics, can then be aggregated to cover a wide range of differently shaped regions to suit various needs. See also Customised mapping service. These are physical and cultural features represented on a map, such as roads, bridges, bodies of water, airports and railway stations. See Digital base map data. See Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander, Community Development Employment Program (CDEP), Indigenous enumeration, Indigenous family, Indigenous household, Indigenous languages, Indigenous Status (INGP). See Usual residence, Visitors to Australia. See Dwelling Structure (STRD). See Journey to Work (JTW), Method of Travel to Work (MTWP), Number of Motorbikes and Scooters (MCYCD), Number of Motor Vehicles (VEHD). See Journey to Work (JTW), Method of Travel to Work (MTWP). Type of Educational Institution Attending (TYPP) This variable identifies the type of educational institution being attended by people who are full/part-time students. The categories cover pre-school through to tertiary institutions. Users of the data on pre-school attendance should be aware that some children who are in child-care may be included in the pre-school figures. This has been identified as a problem with interpretation of categories by respondents. Information on whether a person is attending an educational institution is essential for education and labour market planning. It is also used to identify dependent children in family coding. See also Full/Part-Time Student Status (STUP), Educational qualification. Type of Non-Private Dwelling (NPDD) This variable identifies the type of non-private dwelling in which people were enumerated on Census Night. Non-private dwellings are establishments which provide a communal type of accommodation. Examples of categories are Hotel, motel; Boarding house, private hotel; Public hospital (not psychiatric); and Childcare institution. Hotels and private hotels are categorised differently within Type of Non-Private Dwelling (NPDD). This is mainly because of differences in length of residency, service provision, and how the hotel/private hotel classifies itself. Type of Non-Private Dwelling also includes the category 'Accommodation for the retired or aged (cared)' which is accommodation where meals are provided. On the other hand, units in 'Accommodation for the retired or aged (self-care)' are classified as private dwellings, and can be identified by the variable Dwelling Location (DLOD). See also Accommodation for the retired or aged (self-care), Dwelling, Dwelling Location (DLOD), Dwelling Structure (STRD), Dwelling Type (DWTD).