InTech Investment Manager Commentary
Name of Organisation
InTech Asset Consulting Pty Ltd
Level 5
345 George Street
Switchboard: (02) 9290 1121
Facsimile: (02) 9290 1550
Products and Services
Name/Title of Product
InTech Investment Manager Commentary
Dissemination Media
Publication $5,000.00 pa.
About these statistics and to purchase these statistics
Mr Ron Lawton
Associate Director
Telephone: (02) 9290 1121
Broad Description
A qualitative document covering the investment style and process of Australia's institutional fund managers.
Purpose of Data
To provide an accurate description of how Australian fund managers undertake investment in each of the major asset classes.
Detailed Description
Australia's institutional funds management organisations.
Superannuation Data Items
The commentary, which is updated progressively during the year, provides a description of the investment process and style of Australia's institutional fund managers.
Information provided by each of the funds management organisations and compiled by InTech.
Method of Collection
Initially by completion of an InTech questionnaire by each funds management organisation.
Progressively during the year with each funds management organisation being updated annually.
Progressively during the year.
Historical Data
Not available.
Geographic Breakdown
Australian based institutional funds management organisations.
Confidentiality and Availability
No confidentiality restrictions apply.
Unpublished Information
Further customised research is available, on request.