Data Cubes |
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, Median age - 30 June 1992 to 2016  |
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, Sex ratio - 30 June 1992 to 2016  |
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, State/territory, Age and sex - 30 June 1996  |
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, State/territory, Age and sex - 30 June 2001  |
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, State/territory, Age and sex - 30 June 2006  |
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, State/territory, Age and sex - 30 June 2011  |
Net overseas migration, Arrivals and Departures, State/territory, Major groupings and visa - Calendar years, 2004 to 2015  |
Released 11/10/2017 |
Net overseas migration, Arrivals and Departures, State/territory, Major groupings and visa - Financial years, 2004-05 to 2014-15  |
Released 04/04/2017 |
Country classification to be used with Net Overseas Migration and Estimated Resident Population by Country of Birth from March 2014 onwards |
Regional internal migration estimates, Statistical Area Level 2 - 2006-07 to 2015-16 |
Released 26/05/2017 |
Regional internal migration estimates, Local Government Area (ASGS 2011) - 2006-07 to 2015-16 |
Released 26/05/2017 |
Net regional internal migration estimates, Age, Statistical Area Level 3 - 2006-07 to 2015-16 |
Released 26/05/2017 |
Estimated Resident Population by Country of Birth - 30 June 1992 to 2016  |
Released 11/10/2017 |
ABS.Stat Datasets.
Help for: ABS.Stat Datasets | |
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, Age and sex - as at 30 June 1992 onwards
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Net overseas migration, Arrivals, departures and net, State/territory, Age and sex - Calendar years, 2004 onwards
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Released 11/10/2017 |
Net overseas migration, Arrivals, departures and net, State/territory, Age and sex - Financial years, 2004-05 onwards
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Interstate migration, Arrivals, departures and net, State/territory, Age and sex - Calendar years, 1997 onwards
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Released 11/10/2017 |
Interstate migration, Arrivals, departures and net, State/territory, Age and Sex - Financial years, 1996-97 onwards
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Estimated resident population, Country of birth, Median age and Sex ratio - as at 30 June 1992 onwards
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Net overseas migration, Arrivals, departures and net, State/territory, Major groupings and visas - Calendar years, 2004 onwards
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Released 11/10/2017 |
Net overseas migration, Arrivals, departures and net, State/territory, Major groupings and visas - Financial years, 2004-05 onwards
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Estimated resident population, Country of birth, State/territory, Age and sex - as at 30 June 1996 onwards, Census estimates
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Regional internal migration estimates by Region (SA2 and above) - 2006-07 to 2015-16
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Released 26/05/2017 |
Regional internal migration estimates by LGA2011 - 2006-07 to 2015-16
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Released 26/05/2017 |
Regional internal migration estimates by Region (SA3 and above), Age and sex - 2006-07 to 2015-16
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Released 26/05/2017 |
Regional internal migration estimates by Region of arrival and departure (SA4 and above) - 2006-07 to 2015-16
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Released 26/05/2017 |