There were 227 874 cattle exported from the Northern Territory (NT) in 2006-07. This is a 10% increase from the 219 828 cattle exported in 2005-06. Of the cattle exported in 2006-07, 2% (4747) were sourced from interstate, an increase of 1% from 2005-06. The majority of live cattle exported from the NT go to Indonesia (84%), followed by Malaysia (including Sarawak and Sabah) (9%), Philippines (4%) and Brunei (3%). In 2002-03, the majority of live cattle were exported to Indonesia (67%), followed by Philippines (15%), Malaysia (including Sarawak and Sabah) (7%) and Brunei (6%).
Origin of Live Cattle Exports, Through Port of Darwin
- 2002-03 to 2006-07