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These commitments are classified by:
It is important to note the distinction between a financing commitment and actual financing activity. Finance commitments are not a direct measure of financing, sales or construction activity in the market. A commitment is a firm offer of finance and exists once the loan application has been approved, and a loan contract or letter of offer has been issued to the borrower. It either has been, or is normally expected to be, accepted. The actual advancement of funds may not occur in the same month or necessarily at all. Commitments accepted and cancelled in the same month are included. Commitments to non-residents are excluded. TIMELINESS Lending Finance is released monthly, 30 working days after the end of the reference month. All tables in Lending Finance contain data from lenders' monthly reporting of new finance commitments to either APRA or the ABS. ACCURACY Lending Finance has no sampling error since it does not select providers to be in sample but attempts to enumerate all providers in scope that meet the specified coverage. Lending Finance also has low non-response rates. As with all surveys, Lending Finance does have non-sampling error arising from inaccuracies in collection, recording and processing. Every effort is made to minimise non-sampling errors by the careful design of questionnaires, contact with providers and efficient data processing procedures. Revisions to previously published statistics are included in the publication as they occur. Financial institutions subject to prudential regulation are obliged to report information to APRA directly. Data for these institutions are then provided to the ABS for inclusion in Lending Finance. Data for other lenders, such as wholesale lenders, are directly collected by the ABS. Lending commitments by all banks are covered. Since January 2014 when a monthly reporting threshold was introduced, lending commitments by non-banks constituting 95 per cent of the non-bank sector's assets are covered. When APRA commenced the collection in 2001, lending commitments by non-banks with total assets of $50 million or more were covered. All banks' lending commitments were covered. Until the statistics in this publication were derived from returns submitted to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), the statistics of housing finance commitments covered all banks and permanent building societies. The largest of the remaining lenders of secured housing finance for owner occupation were included so that, together with banks and building societies, at least:
The Explanatory Notes contain further detail on scope and coverage. COHERENCE There have been few changes in the forms and reporting requirements since the commencement of Lending Finance in 1975. Between 2001 and 2003, the ABS passed the responsibility of data collection for regulated institutions to APRA, leading to only a small portion of data still collected directly by the ABS. During this transition, care was taken to ensure there were no interruptions to time series. APRA and ABS questionnaires are similarly worded to ensure consistency in data. This is discussed in detail in the Explanatory Notes. Occasionally a financial institution may change its institution type, for example, from a building society to a bank. The reclassification caused by such a change is reflected in the month it occurs, and earlier periods are not revised. Details of the establishment of new banks are recorded in the 'Series breaks' tabs of Statistical Table B2 on the Reserve Bank of Australia's website: RBA Statistical Tables. INTERPRETABILITY Statistics are generally provided in trend, seasonally adjusted and original terms. The trend series smooths out the volatility in the data including removing seasonal effects (such as the number of trading days and moving holidays), and is therefore considered the best indicator of underlying movements. The seasonally adjusted series removes the seasonal effects but does not smooth out the volatility in the data. The original series neither removes the seasonal effects nor smooths out the volatility in the data. Both seasonal and trend estimates, by their nature, are subject to revisions over time. In most instances, the larger revisions will be to the previous month and the same month a year ago. For more information regarding seasonal adjustment and trend series, refer to the Explanatory Notes or Time Series Analysis Frequently Asked Questions (cat. no. 1346.0.55.002). Definitions are listed in the Glossary. ACCESSIBILITY The ABS produces many publications that complement Lending Finance, some of which are listed in the Explanatory Notes. There are additional tables regarding lending finance available in the Downloads tab of this publication. Enquiries can be made to the National Information and Referral Service. Alternative data sources include the APRA Statistics website and the Reserve Bank of Australia's Bulletin. They include a large number of tables of financial statistics, mostly sourced from the ABS and APRA. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.