This publication presents results for 2002, from an Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) survey of private practice medical practitioners. The survey provides basic demographic and workload information for general practitioners and specialists by broad type of specialty and the geographic area in which their services were provided. Information on hours worked and number of private patient contacts in an average working week are also shown.
Chapter 1 provides summary information about all medical practitioners mainly working in private practice. Chapter 2 contains more detailed information about general practitioners and Chapter 3 contains information on specialists.
For further information on the scope of the survey see paragraphs 2-4 of the Explanatory Notes.
Characteristics of private practice medical practitioners
There were an estimated 29,377 medical practitioners in Australia who were within the scope of the 2002 survey of private practice medical practitioners.
Most medical practitioners (27,560 or 94%) worked in only one private medical business, with 6% (1,817 practitioners) working in two or more medical businesses.
The majority (64%) of the 29,377 medical practitioners worked as general practitioners with 36% working as specialists.
Males accounted for 74% of all private practice medical practitioners (67% of general practitioners and 86% of specialists).
Private practice medical practitioners worked an average of 50 hours per week with general practitioners working an average of 47 hours per week compared with 54 hours per week for specialists.
Private practice medical practitioners had an average of 116 private patient contacts per week (136 for general practitioners and 81 for specialists).
 | no. |
General practitioners |  |
Males | 12,624 |
Females | 6,244 |
Total (a) | 18,867 |
 |  |
Specialists |  |
Males | 9,071 |
Females | 1,438 |
Total | 10,509 |
 |  |
Total |  |
Males | 21,695 |
Females | 7,682 |
Total | 29,377 |
 |  |
Average hours worked per week |  |
General practitioners | 47 |
Specialists | 54 |
Total | 50 |
 |  |
Average private patient contacts per week |  |
General practitioners | 136 |
Specialists | 81 |
Total | 116 |
(a) Of the total number of general practitioners, 1853 were
rural general practice proceduralists.
Copyright © Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2002 |
TABLE 1.2 NUMBER OF PRACTITIONERS, By Number of Medical Businesses
 | Working in one business (a) | Working in two or more businesses | Total |
 | no. | no. | no. |
General practitioners | 17,406 | 1,461 | 18,867 |
Specialists | 10,154 | 356 | 10,509 |
Total | 27,560 | 1,817 | 29,377 |
(a) These figures include a small number of practitioners directly working in
an administrative service business rather than a medical business.
Copyright © Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2002