| | | | | | Populations |
1 | State or territory of usual residence | All |
| | New South Wales | |
| | Victoria | |
| | Queensland | |
| | South Australia | |
| | Western Australia | |
| | Tasmania | |
| | Northern Territory | |
| | Australian Capital Territory | |
2 | Area of usual residence | All |
| | State capital city | |
| | Balance of state/territory | |
2A | Remoteness areas | All |
| | Major cities of Australia | |
| | Inner regional Australia | |
| | Outer regional Australia | |
| | Remote Australia | |
3 | Region of usual residence | All |
| | Standard labour force dissemination regions | |
4 | Sex | All |
| | Males | |
| | Females | |
5 | Marital status | All |
| | Married | |
| | Not married | |
6 | Relationship in household | All |
| | Family member | |
| | | Husband, wife or partner | |
| | | | With dependants | |
| | | | Without dependants | |
| | | Lone Parent | |
| | | | With dependants | |
| | | | Without dependants | |
| | | Dependent student | |
| | | Non-dependent child | |
| | | Other family person | |
| | Non-family member | |
| | | Lone person | |
| | | Not living alone | |
| | Relationship not determined | |
7A | Country of birth and period of arrival | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | Arrived before 1971 | |
| | | Arrived 1971-1980 | |
| | | Arrived 1981-1990 | |
| | | Arrived 1991-2000 | |
| | | Arrived 2001 to survey date | |
7B | Country of birth (1) | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | Born in main English-speaking countries | |
| | | Born in other than main English-speaking countries | |
7C | Country of birth (2) | All |
| | Born in Australia | |
| | Born overseas | |
| | | Oceania and Antarctica | |
| | | North-West Europe | |
| | | Southern and Eastern Europe | |
| | | North Africa and the Middle East | |
| | | South-East Asia | |
| | | North-East Asia | |
| | | Southern and Central Asia | |
| | | Americas | |
| | | Sub-Saharan Africa | |
8 | Age group (years) | All |
| | 15-19 | |
| | 20-24 | |
| | 25-29 | |
| | 30-34 | |
| | 35-39 | |
| | 40-44 | |
| | 45-49 | |
| | 50-54 | |
| | 55-59 | |
| | 60-64 | |
| | 65 and over | |
| | Note: Age collected in single years. | |
9 | Level of highest non-school qualification | All |
| | With a non-school qualification | |
| | | Postgraduate Degree | |
| | | Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate | |
| | | Bachelor Degree | |
| | | Advanced Diploma/Diploma | |
| | | Certificate III/IV | |
| | | Certificate I/II | |
| | | Certificate not further defined | |
| | | Level not determined | |
| | Without a non-school qualification | |
10 | Level of highest educational attainment | All |
| | Postgraduate Degree | |
| | Graduate Diploma/Graduate Certificate | |
| | Bachelor Degree | |
| | Advanced Diploma/Diploma | |
| | Certificate III/IV | |
| | Certificate I/II | |
| | Certificate not further defined | |
| | Year 12 | |
| | Year 11 | |
| | Year 10 or below | |
| | Level not determined | |
| | No educational attainment/attendance | |
11 | Level of highest school educational attainment | All |
| | Year 12 | |
| | Year 11 | |
| | Year 10 or below | |
| | No school educational attainment/attendance | |
12 | Main field of highest non-school educational attainment | All |
| | Natural and physical sciences | |
| | Information technology | |
| | Engineering and related technologies | |
| | Architecture and building | |
| | Agriculture, environmental and related studies | |
| | Health | |
| | Education | |
| | Management and commerce | |
| | Society and culture | |
| | Creative arts | |
| | Food, hospitality and personal services | |
| | Mixed field programmes | |
| | Field not determined | |
13 | Age and whether attending an educational institution | All |
| | 15-19 years old, left school, not studying full time | |
| | 15-19 years old, left school, studying full time | |
| | 15-19 years old attending school | |
| | 20-24 years old not studying full time | |
| | 20-24 years old studying full time | |
14 | Labour force status | All |
| | Employed | |
| | Unemployed | |
| | Not in the labour force | |
15 | Employment type of current main job | 3 |
| | Employees | |
| | | With paid leave entitlements | |
| | | Without paid leave entitlements | |
| | Owner managers of incorporated enterprises | |
| | Owner managers of unincorporated enterprises | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
16 | Hours usually worked in all jobs | 3 |
| | Less than 1 | |
| | 1-15 | |
| | 16-29 | |
| | 30-34 | |
| | 35-39 | |
| | 40 | |
| | 41-44 | |
| | 45-49 | |
| | 50 or more | |
| | Note: Collected in single hours. | |
17 | Duration of current main job | 3 |
| | Less than 1 year | |
| | | Under 3 months | |
| | | 3 and under 6 months | |
| | | 6 and under 12 months | |
| | 1 and under 2 years | |
| | 2 and under 5 years | |
| | 5 and under 10 years | |
| | 10 years and over | |
18 | Full-time or part-time status of employment in current main job | 3 |
| | Full-time workers | |
| | Part-time workers | |
19 | Status in employment in current main job | 3 |
| | Employees | |
| | Employers | |
| | Own account workers | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
20 | Hours usually worked in current main job | 3 |
| | Less than 1 | |
| | 1-15 | |
| | 16-29 | |
| | 30-34 | |
| | 35-39 | |
| | 40 | |
| | 41-44 | |
| | 45-49 | |
| | 50 or more | |
| | Note: Collected in single hours. | |
21 | Occupation of current main job | 3 |
| | Managers | |
| | Professionals | |
| | Technicians and trades workers | |
| | Community and personal service workers | |
| | Clerical and administrative workers | |
| | Sales workers | |
| | Machinery operators and drivers | |
| | Labourers | |
22 | Industry of current main job | 3 |
| | Agriculture, forestry and fishing | |
| | Mining | |
| | Manufacturing | |
| | Electricity, gas, water and waste services | |
| | Construction | |
| | Wholesale trade | |
| | Retail trade | |
| | Accommodation and food services | |
| | Transport, postal and warehousing | |
| | Information media and telecommunications | |
| | Financial and insurance services | |
| | Rental, hiring and real estate services | |
| | Professional, scientific and technical services | |
| | Administrative and support services | |
| | Public administration and safety | |
| | Education and training | |
| | Health care and social assistance | |
| | Arts and recreation services | |
| | Other services | |
23 | Full-time or part-time status of employment | 3 |
| | Full-time workers | |
| | Part-time workers | |
24 | Whether worked shift work in current main job | 3 |
| | Worked under shift arrangements | |
| | Did not work under shift arrangements | |
25 | Expected future duration in current main job | 3 |
| | Expected to be with current employer/business in 12 months time | |
| | Did not expect to be with current employer/business in 12 months time | |
26 | Whether worked on a contract in current main job | 3 |
| | Employees | |
| | | Worked on a fixed-term contract | |
| | | Did not work on a fixed-term contract | |
| | Owner managers | |
| | | Worked on contract basis | |
| | | Did not work on contract basis | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
27 | Hours usually worked in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Less than 1 | |
| | 1-15 | |
| | 16-29 | |
| | 30-34 | |
| | 35-39 | |
| | 40 | |
| | 41-44 | |
| | 45-49 | |
| | 50-59 | |
| | 60 or more | |
| | Note: Collected in single hours. | |
27A | Number of days of the week/ shifts usually worked in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | 1 | |
| | 2 | |
| | 3 | |
| | 4 | |
| | 5 | |
| | 6 | |
| | 7 or more | |
| | Can only report in hours | |
28 | Whether worked full time or part time in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Worked full time | |
| | Worked part time | |
29 | Status in employment of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Employees | |
| | Employers | |
| | Own account workers | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
30 | Whether worked on contract in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Employees | |
| | | Worked on a fixed-term contract | |
| | | Did not work on a fixed-term contract | |
| | Owner managers | |
| | | Worked on contract basis | |
| | | Did not work on contract basis | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
31 | Whether worked shift work in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Worked under shift arrangements | |
| | Did not work under shift arrangements | |
32 | Occupation of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Managers | |
| | Professionals | |
| | Technicians and trades workers | |
| | Community and personal service workers | |
| | Clerical and administrative workers | |
| | Sales workers | |
| | Machinery operators and drivers | |
| | Labourers | |
33 | Industry of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Agriculture, forestry and fishing | |
| | Mining | |
| | Manufacturing | |
| | Electricity, gas, water and waste services | |
| | Construction | |
| | Wholesale trade | |
| | Retail trade | |
| | Accommodation and food services | |
| | Transport, postal and warehousing | |
| | Information media and telecommunications | |
| | Financial and insurance services | |
| | Rental, hiring and real estate services | |
| | Professional, scientific and technical services | |
| | Administrative and support services | |
| | Public administration and safety | |
| | Education and training | |
| | Health care and social assistance | |
| | Arts and recreation services | |
| | Other services | |
34 | Duration of employment in job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Less than 1 year | |
| | | Under 3 months | |
| | | 3 and under 6 months | |
| | | 6 and under 12 months | |
| | 1 and under 2 years | |
| | 2 and under 5 years | |
| | 5 and under 10 years | |
| | 10 years and over | |
35 | Expected future duration of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Expected to be with current employer/business in 12 months time | |
| | Did not expect to be with current employer/business in 12 months time | |
| | Work-related injury or illness occurred in previous job | |
36 | Employment type of job where most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Employees | |
| | | With paid leave entitlements | |
| | | Without paid leave entitlements | |
| | Owner managers of incorporated enterprises | |
| | Owner managers of unincorporated enterprises | |
| | Contributing family workers | |
37 | Work-related injury or illness - summary item | 2 |
| | Persons who worked at some time in the last 12 months | |
| | | Persons who experienced a work-related injury or illness | |
| | | | Employed in the reference week | |
| | | | | Most recent work-related injury or illness occurred in current main job | |
| | | | | Most recent work-related injury or illness occurred in current other job | |
| | | | | Most recent work-related injury or illness occurred in previous job | |
| | | | Not employed in reference week | |
| | | Persons who did not experience a work-related injury or illness | |
38 | Whether most recent work-related injury or illness occurred in current main job, current other job or previous job | 2 |
| | Injury or illness occurred in current job | |
| | | Injury or illness occurred in main job | |
| | | Injury or illness occurred in other job | |
| | Injury or illness occurred in previous job | |
39 | Days or shifts absent from work in the last 12 months due to work-related injury or illness | 2 |
| | None | |
| | Part of a day/shift | |
| | 1-4 days | |
| | 5-10 days | |
| | 11 days or more | |
| | Had not returned to work since injury or illness occurred | |
40 | Whether received financial assistance for medical expenses or income loss for most recent work-related injury or illness | 2 |
| | Received financial assistance | |
| | Did not receive financial assistance | |
41 | All sources of financial assistance for medical expenses or income loss for most recent work-related injury or illness | 2 |
| | Received financial assistance | |
| | | Workers' compensation | |
| | | Employer - regular sick leave | |
| | | Employer - other payment | |
| | | Medicare | |
| | | Social Security/Centrelink | |
| | | Private health insurance | |
| | | Income protection insurance | |
| | | Money from family and friends | |
| | | Other | |
| | | Did not know | |
| | Did not receive any financial assistance | |
42 | Whether applied for and whether received workers' compensation as a result of most recent work-related injury or illness | 2 |
| | Applied for workers' compensation | |
| | | Received workers' compensation | |
| | | Did not receive workers' compensation | |
| | Did not apply for workers' compensation | |
43 | Main reason did not apply for workers' compensation | 2 |
| | Did not apply for workers' compensation | |
| | | Not covered or not aware of workers' compensation | |
| | | Did not think eligible | |
| | | Minor injury only/not considered necessary | |
| | | Negative impact on current or future employment | |
| | | Inconvenient/required too much effort or paperwork | |
| | | Employer agreed to pay costs | |
| | | Other | |
| | | Did not know | |
| | Applied for workers' compensation | |
44 | Whether most recent work-related injury or illness occurred within the first 6 months of starting job | 2 |
| | Injury or illness occurred within the first 6 months | |
| | Injury or illness did not occur within the first 6 months | |
45 | Most recent work-related injury or illness sustained | 2 |
| | Fracture | |
| | Chronic joint or muscle condition | |
| | Sprain/strain | |
| | Cut/open wound | |
| | Crushing injury/internal organ damage | |
| | Superficial injury | |
| | Stress or other mental condition | |
| | Amputation | |
| | Burns | |
| | Other | |
| | No further information | |
46 | How the most recent work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Lifting, pushing or pulling object | |
| | Repetitive movement | |
| | Prolonged standing, working in cramped or unchanging position | |
| | Vehicle accident | |
| | Hitting or being hit or cut by an object | |
| | Fall on same level (including slip or fall) | |
| | Fall from height | |
| | Exposure to mental stress | |
| | Long term exposure to sound | |
| | Contact with chemical or substance | |
| | Other | |
| | No further information | |
47 | Main reason for ceasing job where work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Ceased job where work-related injury or illness occurred | |
| | | Result of workplace injury or illness | |
| | | Other health or disability | |
| | | Laid off or retrenched | |
| | | Job was temporary or seasonal | |
| | | Own business closed down for economic reasons | |
| | | Unsatisfactory work arrangements | |
| | | Holiday job/returned to studies | |
| | | Other | |
| | Still worked in job where work-related injury or illness occurred | |
48 | Whether returned to any work at any time after work-related injury or illness | 2 |
| | Returned to work after injury or illness sustained | |
| | Did not return to work after injury or illness sustained | |
49A | Whether received any formal training in OH&S risks in workplace at any time prior to work-related injury or illness | 2 |
| | Received training in OH&S risks prior to work-related injury or illness | |
| | Did not receive training in OH&S risks prior to work-related injury or illness | |
49B | Whether received formal training in OH&S risks in the workplace in current or most recent job | All |
| | Received training in OH&S risks in current or most recent job | |
| | Did not receive training in OH&S risks in current or most recent job | |
49C | Type of training undertaken | All |
| | As part of a process to obtain a licence or qualification | |
| | As part of induction training | |
| | Refresher/on-going training | |
| | Included demonstration of safe procedures | |
| | Involved workplace assessments | |
| | Other OH&S training | |
| | No training undertaken | |
50 | Location where work-related injury or illness occurred | 2 |
| | Workplace | |
| | Travelling on business | |
| | Travelling to or from work | |
| | Lunchtime or break activities | |
51 | Current weekly gross personal income from all sources | All |
| | Negative income | |
| | No income | |
| | $1 and under $100 | |
| | $100 and under $200 | |
| | $200 and under $300 | |
| | $300 and under $400 | |
| | $400 and under $500 | |
| | $500 and under $600 | |
| | $600 and under $700 | |
| | $700 and under $800 | |
| | $800 and under $900 | |
| | $900 and under $1,000 | |
| | $1,000 and under $1,100 | |
| | $1,100 and under $1,200 | |
| | $1,200 and under $1,300 | |
| | $1,300 and under $1,400 | |
| | $1,400 and under $1,500 | |
| | $1,500 and under $1,600 | |
| | $1,600 and under $1,700 | |
| | $1,700 and under $1,800 | |
| | $1,800 and under $1,900 | |
| | $1,900 and under $2,000 | |
| | $2,000 and over | |
| | Could not be determined | |
52 | All sources of income | All |
| | Profit or loss from own unincorporated business or share in partnership | |
| | Profit or loss from rental property | |
| | Dividends or interest | |
| | Wages or salary (including from own incorporated business) | |
| | Government pension or allowance | |
| | Child support or maintenance | |
| | Superannuation or Annuity | |
| | Workers' Compensation | |
| | Other | |
| | Did not know | |
| | Not stated | |
| | No specified income source | |
53 | Main source of income | All |
| | Profit or loss from own unincorporated business or share in a partnership | |
| | Profit or loss from rental property | |
| | Dividends or interest | |
| | Wages or salary (including from own incorporated business) | |
| | Government pension or allowance | |
| | Child support or maintenance | |
| | Superannuation or Annuity | |
| | Workers' Compensation | |
| | Other | |
| | Did not know | |
| | Not stated | |
| | No specified income source | |
54 | All types of government pensions/allowance received | All |
| | Received a government pension/allowance | |
| | | Age Pension | |
| | | Family Tax Benefit A or B (Centrelink) | |
| | | Disability Support Pension (Centrelink) | |
| | | Disability Pension (Veteran's Affairs) | |
| | | Parenting Payment | |
| | | Newstart Allowance | |
| | | Youth Allowance | |
| | | Carer Allowance or Payment | |
| | | Service Pension (Partners) | |
| | | War Widow's/Widower's Pension | |
| | | Partner Allowance | |
| | | Other | |
| | Did not receive a government pension/allowance | |
| | Not stated | |
55 | Total gross weekly household income from all sources | All |
| | Negative income | |
| | No income | |
| | $1 and under $100 | |
| | $100 and under $200 | |
| | $200 and under $300 | |
| | $300 and under $400 | |
| | $400 and under $500 | |
| | $500 and under $600 | |
| | $600 and under $700 | |
| | $700 and under $800 | |
| | $800 and under $900 | |
| | $900 and under $1,000 | |
| | $1,000 and under $1,100 | |
| | $1,100 and under $1,200 | |