Publications  |
4102.0 - Australian Social Trends |
Printed publication is available for purchase, price $60.00. |
4102.0 - Population distribution |
4102.0 - Towns of the mineral boom |
4102.0 - How many children have women in Australia had? |
4102.0 - Families with a young child with a disability |
4102.0 - Voluntary work |
4102.0 - Social participation of migrants |
4102.0 - Risk taking by young people |
4102.0 - People with a need for assistance |
4102.0 - Complementary therapies |
4102.0 - Education across Australia |
4102.0 - Adult literacy |
4102.0 - Adult learning |
4102.0 - Labour force participation across Australia |
4102.0 - Barriers to work |
4102.0 - Trade union members |
4102.0 - Industrial disputes |
4102.0 - Women's incomes |
4102.0 - Government benefits, taxes and household income |
4102.0 - Renter households |
4102.0 - First home buyers |
4102.0 - Housing and services in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities |
4102.0 - Internet access at home |
4102.0 - Public transport use for work and study |
Data Cubes |
Population Indicators |
Family and Community Indicators |
Health Indicators |
Education and Training Indicators |
Work Indicators |
Economic Resources Indicators |
Housing Indicators |
Other Areas Indicators |
International Comparisons |