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Figure 9.3 presents information on environmental taxes broken down by industry and households for 2000-01, 2005-06 and 2010-11. Industry pays approximately 67% of environmental taxes while household’s share is about 33%. Households account for 30% of total energy taxes and 44% of total transport taxes.
The manufacturing industry made the highest contribution to energy taxes paid by any industry (39%) in 2010-11, while services contributed most to total transport taxes paid by industry (62%). In 2010-11, the Agriculture industry paid around 3% of energy taxes, but accounted for 23% of GHG emissions. However, one third of these GHG emissions stem from changes in land use and deforestation, which do not relate to the use of energy products. Conversely, GHG emissions from the electricity, gas, water and waste services industry (EGW&W) account for close to 40% of total GHG emissions by Australian industry, but this industry contributes only 10% of energy taxes. Figure 9.4 presents information on environmental taxes paid by industries between 2000-01 and 2010-11. The manufacturing industry was the most significant industry contributor to environmental taxes paid throughout this period. The EGW&W industry saw the most significant relative rise in the amount paid towards environmental taxes, recording an increase of 680%. An increase in taxes related to energy activities over the period represented the bulk of this rise. Despite this, the amount of environmental taxes paid by the EGW&W industry per annum was less than the manufacturing, commercial and services, mining and transport industries throughout the decade preceding 2010-11. Economic opportunities arising from sustainable growth At present, there are limited statistics on economic growth originating from the provision of environmental protection services. The definition of these services is problematic and collecting data in this area typically requires either specialised surveys, or detailed information on productive activities. Although no recent and comprehensive data for these activities are available, information is available for various categories of environmental protection expenditure. These data provide valuable information for policy-makers in a number of important areas. Air emissions management activities Air emissions management in this context relates to efforts by industry to ameliorate air quality problems through economic activities and processes such as:
Air emissions management can include activities such as managing air quality inside an economic unit’s premises (e.g. ensuring air conditioning systems do not contain Legionnaires disease), as well as reducing the emissions of pollution due to economic production (e.g. reducing the amount of smoke or fine particle pollution emitted from chimneys). Figure 9.5 illustrates that construction, followed by manufacturing and mining were the largest contributors to total industry spending on air emissions management during 2010-11. Figure 9.6 presents the capital expenditure by industry to reduce air emissions. Australian industry’s spending on capital to reduce its contribution to air emissions exceeded $37.6m during 2010-11. However, this represented less than 1% of total capital expenditure by Australian businesses during the same period. The mining and wholesale trade industries were the biggest contributors to capital expenditure aimed at reducing air emissions, together contributing 94% of all industry spending in this area. Within the mining industry, the vast majority of expenditure was by the metal ore, and coal mining subdivisions of the industry. Wholesale trade was the second biggest individual investor in equipment to reduce its emissions to air, spending roughly $16.4m during 2010-11. The wholesale trade industry largely comprises businesses engaged in the purchase and on selling, and the commission based buying and selling of goods, without significant transformation, to other businesses. Environmental research and development (R&D) Technology developments and innovation are important drivers for growth and productivity in the economy. They are also important for managing energy and material flows successfully and have a bearing on policies intended to preserve natural resources and materials and minimise pollution burden. R&D is a key element of attempts to decouple environmental pressure from economic growth. Innovation is clearly central to moving an economy onto a more sustainable growth trajectory. Businesses have an important role to play in adopting greener management approaches; developing and using new technologies; carrying out R&D and delivering innovation. Businesses, along with governments, also play an important role in providing consumers with the information needed to make purchasing choices that reduce the environmental impact of consumption. The most significant items of environmental R&D include policy frameworks, and knowledge and management of the environment. Another element of R&D in this area relates to environmental protection expenditure (EPE). This includes expenditure to reduce or prevent emissions to air or water, to dispose of waste materials, to protect soil and groundwater, to prevent noise and vibration, or to protect the natural environment. Figure 9.7 shows that expenditure on environmental R&D as a percentage of total gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) across all sectors of the Australian economy fell from 7% in 1992-93 to 5% in 2008-09. In absolute terms, however, expenditure in environmental R&D has recorded a steady rise over the same period, with spending by government (both Commonwealth, and State and Territory) increasing by over two and a half times and investment by business increasing by over 300%. Spending by other institutions (higher education and non-profit organisations) also rose sharply increasing by over 300% between 1992-93 and 2008-09. Australian authorities have provided broad-based support for R&D, notably through tax breaks, which have proved beneficial to environmental R&D investment. In May 2007, the Australian government further boosted R&D investment with a 10-year, $1.4 b package. The initiative was particularly supportive of environmental research, with the objective of fostering a more sustainable and internationally competitive business sector. Recovery of landfill emissions for economic uses A significant by-product of waste disposal is gas emissions into the atmosphere. When organic waste decomposes in landfills, it releases methane and other greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. Similarly, greenhouse gases are also emitted during the treatment and processing of waste water and sewage, and during the incineration of waste. Gas captured at Australian landfills can be utilised for many different purposes. Typically it is used as a fuel for electricity generation, but it can also be used to fuel nearby industrial facilities, or processed and sold to gas providers. Figure 9.8 presents information on the level of landfill emissions, together with the proportion recovered over time in Australia. Total landfill emissions in Australia rose by roughly 38% between 1990 and 2008. However the greater use of methods to recover greenhouse gases from landfills for use in the production of energy means the change in net emissions related to landfill management has been more modest (8%). In 2008, around 28% of landfill emissions in Australia were recovered compared to less than 1% in 1990. 1 Energy Account, Australia (ABS cat. no. 4604.0); Water Account, Australia (ABS cat. no. 4610.0), Waste Account, Australia (ABS cat no. 4602.0.55.005) <back 2 OECD 2010: Taxation, Innovation and the Environment <back 3 SEEA 2012, para. 4.150 <back 4 Discussion paper: Environmental taxes in Australia – experimental new statistics (ABS cat. no. 4629.0.55.001) <back 5 Environment and Heritage, NSW Government <back Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.