3401.0 - Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, Jun 2017 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 15/08/2017   
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ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ARIMA autoregressive integrated moving average
DIBP Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection
ERPestimated resident population
GFCglobal financial crisis
GSTGoods and Services Tax
LTRDlong-term resident departure
LTRRlong-term resident return
LTVAlong-term visitor arrival
LTVDlong-term visitor departure
MEDBMedicare Enrolments Database
necnot elsewhere classified
nfdnot further defined
NOMnet overseas migration
NZ New Zealand
OAD overseas arrivals and departures
PApermanent arrival
PDpermanent departure
ROADS rebuild of the OAD system
SACC Standard Australian Classification of Countries
SAR Special Administrative Region
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
STRD short-term resident departure
STRRshort-term resident return
STVA short-term visitor arrival
STVDshort-term visitor departure
TRIPS Travel and Immigration Processing System
UK, CIs & IOM United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
USA United States of America