|  | Feature Articles
This month's SA Stats presents two feature articles; Patterns in South Australian Retail Turnover and Emotional Well-being in South Australia. |
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 |  | Demography
Includes: Estimated resident population, Components of population change
South Australia's estimated resident population (ERP) increased by approximately 20,000 for the year ended 30 June 2010. |
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 |  | Labour Force
Includes: Contents, Employed persons, Unemployment, Participation rate
SA's total number of employed falls for the third consecutive month to 813,400 persons. |
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 |  | Incomes
Includes: Average weekly earnings
Female full-time earnings in SA increases 5.3% in the 12 months to November 2010 compared to 1.6% for males. |
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 |  | State Accounts
Includes: State accounts, Household final consumption expenditure (HFCE)
SA's State Final Demand increased 0.6% between the September and December quarters 2010. |
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 |  | Consumption
Includes: Retail trade, New motor vehicle sales
SA's retail turnover estimate up 2.4% in January 2011; 0.4% above the sales recorded in January of 2010. |
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 |  | Investment
Includes: Private new capital expenditure, Mineral and petroleum exploration expenditure
SA's chain volume estimate of private new capital expenditure rose 7.6% in December quarter 2010. |
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 |  | Construction
Includes: Building approvals, Construction work done
Dwelling unit approvals in SA fall 6.5% in January 2011. |
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 |  | Price Indexes
Includes: Contents, Consumer price index, Wage price index, House price index
SA Wage Price Index increases 1.1% in December quarter 2010; the equal largest of all states and territories. |
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 |  | Housing Finance
Includes: Housing finance commitments
SA's average home loan commitment for non-first home buyers marginally above that for first home buyers. |
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 |  | International Merchandise Trade
Includes: Exports and Imports
Wheat remains SA's number one export commodity in January 2011. |
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 |  | Water
Includes: Rainfall, Reservoir levels
South Australia's summer 2010-11 was the third wettest on record. |
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