A wide range of products and services are available from the 2001 Census of Population and Housing. Brief descriptions of these are included below. For more detailed information on the 2001 Census range of products and services, please refer to the 2001 Census of Population and Housing Directory of Census Statistics ( Cat. no. 2910.0).
Census products fall into two broad types: reference products and data products. Most of the reference products from the 2001 Census are available free of charge from the ABS web site.
2001 Census Dictionary
The 2001 Census Dictionary (Cat. no. 2901.0) is a comprehensive reference guide to the 2001 Census of Population and Housing. The Dictionary includes a complete listing of 2001 Census classifications. It describes new topics introduced for 2001 and highlights classification changes that have occurred since the 1996 Census. The Dictionary also explains the concepts relevant to census collection, processing and output of data.
How Australia Takes a Census
How Australia Takes a Census (Cat. no. 2903.0) provides information about the history of the census, the planning process and the way in which the census is conducted.
Geographic Classifications and Codes
Statistical Geography: Volume 1 Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC): 2001 Census Edition (Cat. no. 1216.0) provides information about the names and codes of the standard geographic areas used in the 2001 Census. Statistical Geography: Volume 2 Census Geographic Areas, Australia 2001 Census Edition (Cat. no. 2905.0) and Statistical Geography: Volume 3 ASGC Urban Centres/Localities: 2001 Census Edition (Cat. no. 2909.0) provide information on further geographic areas, and are due to be released in June 2002 and September 2002 respectively.
2001 Census Statistical Local Area Maps
These reference maps show the Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) from the 2001 Census. Each map shows the boundary of an SLA and the Collection District boundaries contained within.
Digital Boundaries
Census boundaries are made available electronically as Digital Boundaries. They include all of the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), Urban Centres and Localities, and Census-specific areas.
Census Snapshots
Census Snapshots are a new product designed to provide a summary overview for selected geographic areas and are available from the ABS web site, free of charge. Census Snapshots contain subsets of Community Profile data, including person counts, age and birthplace, presented in a narrative form for easy access by a wide audience. A 1901 Census Snapshot for Australia and some States will also be available to celebrate the Centenary of Federation.
CLIB2001 is an electronic product provided free of charge to public libraries through the ABS Library Extension Program. The product contains a large volume of tabulated data and software that allows access, display and printing of the data. For 2001 this product will be available as both a CD-ROM (limited access) and an Internet-based product. CLIB2001 comprises the complete 2001 Census Community Profile Series and Classification Counts.
Estimated Resident Population
The Estimated Resident Population (ERP) is the official ABS population estimate. It is based on census usual residence counts, and is updated quarterly using births, deaths and migration data.
Two publications containing ERP data, based on 2001 Census figures are:
- Australian Demographic Statistics - 2001 Census Edition (Cat. no. 3101.0); and
- Regional Population Growth, Australia - 2001 Census Edition (Cat. no. 3218.0).
Selected Characteristics
The Census of Population and Housing suite of publications contains data and commentary on various person and dwelling characteristics from the 2001 Census at selected geographic levels. There are three series of publications in the suite:
- Selected Social and Housing Characteristics, Australia (Cat. no. 2015.0);
- Selected Social and Housing Characteristics for Statistical Local Areas (Cat. nos 2015.1-8);
- Selected Characteristics for Urban Centres, Australia (Cat. no. 2016.0);
- Selected Characteristics for Urban Centres and Localities (Cat. nos 2016.1-7);
- Selected Education and Labour Force Characteristics, Australia (Cat. no. 2017.0); and
- Selected Education and Labour Force Characteristics for Statistical Local Areas (Cat. nos 2017.1-8).
Community Profile Series
The Community Profile Series provides detailed and comprehensive census characteristics of people, families and dwellings for small areas. This series is available for all standard census geographic areas, and is available in hardcopy and electronic formats.
The series comprises six Community Profiles:
- Basic Community Profile (Cat. no. 2001.0) contains 33 tables of detailed data covering dwelling, household and family topics. This profile is available for all standard census geographic areas, Commonwealth and State Electoral Divisions, Postal Areas, and Suburbs, for the States/Territories and Australia;
- Indigenous Profile (Cat. no. 2002.0) contains 29 tables of key Census characteristics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, for all ASGC areas from Statistical Local Area (SLA) level to whole of Australia, as well as Indigenous Areas and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) regions;
- Time Series Profile (Cat. no. 2003.0) contains 22 tables comparing data from the 1991, 1996 and 2001 Censuses where the classifications are comparable. Data is presented on 2001 geographic boundaries;
- Usual Residents Profile (Cat. no. 2004.0) contains 28 tables of data for persons usually resident in the selected area. This is the only community profile based on place of usual residence;
- Expanded Community Profile (Cat. no. 2005.0) contains 49 tables available for SLAs and larger areas, comprising more detailed versions of some of the Basic Community Profile tables, plus additional tables; and
- Working Population Profile (Cat. no. 2006.0) contains 19 tables of labour force and related data on the characteristics of employed people.
Classification Counts
Classification Counts (Cat. nos 2022.0-8) provide frequency counts for 2001 Census variables in complete classificatory detail, for every State/Territory and Capital City Statistical Division, cross-classified by sex where applicable.
CDATA 2001
CDATA 2001 is a CD-ROM product which contains a large volume of tabulated census data, digital boundaries and base map data, with software to produce tables, maps and graphs of the data. The product is available at the Australia and State/Territory levels.
There are two CDATA 2001 products available, offering different levels of functionality:
CDATA 2001 - Full GIS: This version is aimed at the expert GIS user who requires detailed spatial data analysis using Structured Query Language, geocoding and importation of 'client own' data.
CDATA 2001 - Quickbuild: This version has been designed for GIS users with more basic spatial analysis requirements. It allows users to produce data reports, graphs and/or maps. The product is aimed at inexperienced or intermediate GIS users. CDATA 2001 - Quickbuild users will also have the option to upgrade to CDATA 2001 - Full GIS if so desired.
Social Atlas Series
The Social Atlas (Cat. nos 2840.1-8) publications feature colour maps of the key social, demographic and economic characteristics of each capital city.
Australia in Profile - A Regional Analysis
Australia in Profile - A Regional Analysis (Cat. no. 2032.0) provides commentary and data on a number of key social indicators from the 2001 Census, with the focus on regional distributions and comparisons.
The following census specific services are available:
- Customised Profiles Service provides community profile data tailored to your needs, on a variety of media;
- Customised Table Service provides detailed cross-classified tables tailored to your needs on a variety of media;
- Customised Geographic Data Reports Service provides tabular geographic data which relate specifically to the census Geographic Areas and their characteristics (e.g. area); and
- Customised Mapping Service provides both Customised Thematic Maps and Customised Reference Maps on request.