December 9, 2003 | Embargoed: 11:30 AM (AEST) | 138/2003 |
Queensland - A regional perspective
Townsville experienced the greatest regional population increase outside south-east Queensland in 2002 (1,873 or 2%) according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today.
Today's release of Regional Statistics, Queensland 2003 presents a statistical summary of key economic and social information for regional Queensland using ABS and non-ABS sources.
Highlights from the publication include:
- In addition to the greatest population increase outside south-east Queensland, Townsville also had the largest number of new residential dwelling units approved outside south-east Queensland, with 953 approvals in the year ended June 2002.
- Mt Isa experienced the largest decline in population with a decrease of 364 people (-1.7%). There were 24 other shires in Queensland that also experienced a decline in estimated resident population.
- Redcliffe City continued to be the most densely populated Local Government Area in Queensland with 1,329.7 people per square kilometre in June 2002.
- The Wide Bay-Burnett region had the State's highest unemployment rate in 2002 (12.3%). The Darling Downs-South West region had the lowest with 4.5%.
- In 2000-01, people in Peak Downs Shire reported the State's highest average individual earnings from wages and salaries of $51,843, almost $20,000 more than the State average.
- The Far North Statistical Division contained the highest number (32) of public acute hospitals and centres with hospital facilities, accounting for 18.3% of the State total in 2001–02.
- Noosa Shire had the highest median house price in the State at $265,000 in 2002. Bulloo, in the south-west of the State, had one of the lowest at $1,500.
The publication contains tables of information at the State and Statistical Division level as well as Local Government Area. Topics include population estimates, births and deaths, schools and students, income support data, motor vehicle registrations, local government finances and the number and median and average prices of house sales in Local Government Areas.
Further details are in Regional Statistics Queensland, 2003 (cat. no. 1362.3).