The variety of life forms on earth: the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, the genes they contain, and the ecosystems they form. It is usually considered at four levels:
- genetic diversity
- species diversity
- ecosystem diversity and
- community diversity.
Capital works
Consisits of payments to contractors for construction of fixed assets, and own-account construction expenditure. Excludes net acquisitions of plant, machinery, equipment and land.
Environment protection
All activities aimed at the prevention, reduction or elimination of pollution or any other degradation of the environment.
An Australian interpretation of the UN's Classification of Environmental Protection Activities divides these activities into six main categories.
- Waste water management. Activities that correspond to sewerage operations and the reduction of waste elements reaching water bodies. Waste water reuse by council.
- Solid waste management. Landfill and solid operations by council and the implementation of programs to reduce the amount of materials entering the solid waste stream.
- Protection of soil and groundwater. Remediation of contaminated soils. Protection of existing soil and groundwater areas from contamination by wastes and degradation. Remediation of degraded (salinated, eroded) soils in crown land and national park regions.
- Conservation of biodiversity and habitat. Programs that focus on the preservation of natural species and habitat. Programs to re-establish native species back into the environment. The construction of barriers to halt damage from developments entering areas specified as having a value for biodiversity. Clean up and establishment of catchment zones for water bodies.
- Protection of cultural heritage. Establishment and maintenance of cultural heritage sites. Programs to encourage the implementation of cultural heritage preservation by business and householders.
- Other environmental protection. Includes any environmental protection activity not broken down in the above categories, noise and vibration control, education on environmental protection and measures to protect the environment from radiation.
Household sector
The System of National Accounts (1993) defines a household to be 'a small group of persons who share the same living accommodation, who pool some, or all, of their income and wealth and who consume certain types of goods and services collectively, mainly housing and food'.
Investment grants
Unrequited payments received (usually from government) that are intended to finance acquisition of fixed assets for environmental purposes.
Natural resource management
All activities which manage natural resources and activities aimed at making more efficient use of natural resources. The categories of natural resource management are:
- Water supply and management. The supply and use of inland water stocks. Maintenance of quality and purification of water supply. Programs to encourage water conservation plans. Application of water restrictions.
- Land management and development. The development by zoning of land resources. The management of recreational parks and sporting fields. Management of crown land not reserved for native biodiversity. The processing of development applications and associated costs.
- Other resource management. The quarrying to provide raw materials for council works. Activities or programs aimed at developing alternative energy resources. Measures to reduce energy consumption.
Net acquisitions
Acquisitions less disposals of plant, machinery, equipment and land. Includes assets acquired under finance leases. Excludes payments to contractors for capital works, and own-account construction expenditure.
Rates from household and industry
Specific purpose rates, excluding general rates. Includes levies, fines and licences.
Specific subsidies
Government grants to local government which relate to their provision of specific environmental services and activities which are intended to allow the provision of goods and services at a reduced cost to the consumer.
A transaction in which one business or organisation provides a good, service or asset to another business or organisation without receiving from the latter any good, service or asset in return.