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THE STRUCTURE OF THE AUSTRALIAN HEALTH SURVEY STRUCTURE OF THE 2011-13 AUSTRALIAN HEALTH SURVEY As shown in the above diagram, the AHS is made up of 3 components:
All people selected in the AHS were selected in either the NHS or the NNPAS, however data items in the core were common to both surveys and therefore information for these data items is available for all persons in the AHS. All people were then invited to participate in the voluntary NHMS. As indicated in the diagram, 20,500 people participated in the NHS, answering questions about items such as detailed health conditions, health risk factors and medications as well as all items in the core content. For the NHS component (those items collected only in the NHS and not the core), the sample size is similar to that of previous National Health Surveys and therefore the results are comparable. However for those items collected in the core, the sample size (33,500 people - results for which will be published in mid 2013) is approximately 1.5 times that in the past and therefore the estimates for core items such as smoking and Body Mass Index are expected to be more accurate, particularly at finer disaggregations, than in previous surveys. Data included in this release comes from the NHS and was collected from the 20,500 people who participated in the NHS component. Information in this release can be cross-classified by other NHS data items as well as information collected in the core component of the AHS. INFORMATION FOR ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER PEOPLE The AHS also includes an additional representative sample of around 13,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people which commenced in May 2012. This is a separate collection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in remote and non-remote areas, including discrete communities. The structure is the same as outlined above, comprised of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey component, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nutrition and Physical Activity component and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Measures Survey component. For more information on future releases see Release schedule.