This issue contains estimates of the resident population by age (in five-year age groups up to 85 and over) and sex for 30 June 2001 to 30 June 2013. Estimates are provided for Statistical Areas Levels 2 to 4 (SA2s - SA4s), Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs), and states and territories of Australia, according to the 2011 edition of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). Estimates are also provided for Local Government Areas (LGAs) based on 2013 boundaries.
The commentary in this issue focuses on the age and sex distribution of populations at the SA2 level and above as at 30 June 2013, as well as changes to these distributions over five years (2008 - 2013). All ASGS-based and LGA estimates are available from the Downloads tab.
The total population of the Other Territories, namely Jervis Bay Territory, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands, is included in all references to the total population of Australia. However, the Other Territories are excluded from commentary about the states and territories of Australia.
The estimates in this issue are final for 2001 to 2011, revised for 2012 (denoted 2012r) and preliminary for 2013 (denoted 2013p).
Preliminary total population estimates for SA2s and LGAs as at June 2014 are scheduled for release on 31 March 2015 in Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2013-14 (cat. no. 3218.0).
It is important to recognise that sub-state population estimates in this product are produced using Census data, mathematical modelling and population-weighted geographical correspondences and are subject to some error. A degree of caution should be exercised when using the estimates, especially for areas with very small populations.
All statistics included in the commentary for this publication have been presented as rounded values. While unrounded figures are provided in spreadsheets, accuracy to the last digit is not claimed and should not be assumed.
This is the first issue of this product to include estimates based on the ASGS only. The final release of population estimates by age and sex on the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) was included in the 2012 issue of Population by Age and Sex, Regions of Australia (cat. no. 3235.0).
This issue includes the release of sub-state population estimates by age and sex in ABS.Stat - an interactive and free online tool that presents data in a searchable, flexible and dynamic way. Data at the SA2 and LGA levels back to 2001 in ABS.Stat can be accessed via the Downloads within 24 hours of the release of the main product.
This issue also incorporates KMZ files that can be opened in Google Earth®. This allows users to zoom in and out and then choose a region to view selected age and sex characteristics. For each state and territory, the available geographies are SA2s and LGAs. These KMZ files are available from the Downloads tab.
The ABS is currently producing a new ongoing series of Regional Internal Migration Estimates based on the ASGS, including SA2s and LGAs. The first release of this series will be for the period 2006-07 to 2012-13, with an anticipated release in late 2014-early 2015. Annual updates are then expected to be released, from the 2013-14 series. Subsets of the new RIME series will be available on the ABS website in Migration, Australia (cat. no. 3412.0).
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070. The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to us.