The employment services industry includes all businesses mainly involved in the provision of employment services such as personnel recruitment, search, selection, referral and job placement on a permanent, temporary and contract employment basis.
At 30 June 2002, there were 50 businesses in Tasmania involved in the provision of employment services, an increase from the 1998-99 figure. Total employment in the employment services industry at 30 June 2002 was 4,161 people.
During 2001-02, businesses in the employment services industry made 9,200 permanent employment placements, a decrease of 16.4% from 1998-99.
At 30 June 2002, total wages and salaries paid by businesses in the employment services industry were $123.9 million. Total income for the same period was $165.0 million.
 |  | 1998-99 | 2001-02 | % change |
Organisations(b) | no. | 46 | 50 | 8.7 |
Permanent placements | '000 | 11.0 | 9.2 | -16.4 |
Total employment(b) | no. | 3,991 | 4,161 | 4.3 |
Total wages and salaries | $m | 85.9 | 123.9 | 44.2 |
Total income | $m | 129.6 | 165.0 | 27.3 |
(a) The time series estimates in this table are derived from separate iterations of the Employment Services Survey, which has not been designed to support accurate estimates of change. Hence, caution should be used when making historical comparisons.
(b) At 30 June.
Source: Employment Services, Australia (cat. no. 8558.0). |