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7 In some cases, a profile has not been produced for every region. This is usually because there is insufficient data for that region across the full range of data items, or the populations are relatively small. For example, there are no profiles produced for Other Territories (Jervis Bay, Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands). 8 Some values in the data in the NRP have been randomly adjusted or suppressed to avoid the release of confidential data. Care should be taken when interpreting cells with small numbers. In some cases small cells have been randomly altered to zero. Caution should be exercised in deducing that there are no people or units with particular characteristics in a given area. 9 These Explanatory Notes have been presented under the following topics: Economy (paragraphs 11 to 62), Population/People (paragraphs 63 to 93), Industry (paragraphs 94 to 116) and Environment/Energy (paragraphs 117 to 132). CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS ISSUE 10 There have been a small number of changes to the data items and series included in this issue of the profiles. These changes are summarised in the following table. Please see the relevant sections in these Explanatory Notes for more detailed descriptions.
Labour Force 18 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. Data are for persons aged 15 years or more, and are derived from the questions about whether the person had a job in the week before Census Night, whether they actively looked for work in the last four weeks before Census Night, and if they could have started work in the last week before Census night. Youth Engagement in Work or Study 19 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. Data are for persons aged 15-19 years and are derived from questions about whether the person was working or attending a school or any other educational institution. Selected Government Pensions and Allowances 20 Data on the number of individuals receiving selected Government pensions and allowances has been provided by the Department of Social Services (DSS), and the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA).
21 Selected Government Pensions and Allowances Data has been provided to the ABS on an aggregate basis (at Local Government Area and/or Statistical Area 2 or 3 level). Totals are available for Australia, States and Territories. All data has been provided to the ABS in confidentialised form. 22 Age pension is a payment for persons who have reached Age Pension age and qualify to receive the Age Pension. Age Pension age depends on the individual's date of birth: For men:
For women:
For men and women:
23 The majority of Age Pensions are paid by Centrelink. Age pensioners who also receive a Disability Pension from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) have the choice of having their Age Pension paid by either the DVA or Centrelink. There are therefore two separate data items - Age Pension (Centrelink) and Age Pension (DVA) - published in the National Regional Profile. The Centrelink Age Pension data has been provided by DSS and includes overseas pension recipients in the total for Australia. Both Age Pension totals for Australia include persons whose address could not be coded to a specific region. 24 The purpose of Disability Support Pension (DSP) is to provide income support for people who have a permanent physical, intellectual or psychiatric impairment. DSP is designed to give people an adequate means of support if they are unable to work for at least 15 hours per week at or above the relevant minimum wage, independent of a program or support. DSP data has been provided by DSS and includes overseas pension recipients and persons whose address could not be coded to a specific region in the total for Australia. 25 Carer Payment is for people who are unable to support themselves through participation in the workforce while caring for someone with a disability, severe medical condition, or who is frail and aged. Carer Payment data has been provided by DSS and includes persons whose address could not be coded to a specific region in the total for Australia. 26 Newstart Allowance is a payment for people who are looking for work and allows them to participate in activities designed to increase their chances of finding work. In the period covered by these data, persons must have been aged 21 years or older but under Age Pension age to qualify. Newstart Allowance data has been provided by DSS. 27 Youth Allowance is a payment for young people who are studying, undertaking training or an Australian Apprenticeship, looking for work, or sick. Persons must be aged 15 to 24 years to qualify. Youth Allowance (Other) data has been provided by DSS, and Youth Allowance data for apprentices and students has also been provided by DSS. 28 Parenting Payment is a payment for persons who are primary carers of children. Parenting Payment data has been provided by DSS. 29 Family Tax Benefit is paid to help with the costs of raising children. Around 75% of all families with at least one dependent child aged under 16 years are eligible to receive Family Tax Benefit. Family Tax Benefit data has been provided by DSS. The Family Tax Benefit data for 2012 are preliminary data. 30 Family Tax Benefit Part A can be paid to a parent, guardian or an approved care organisation to help with the costs of raising children. There are eligibility requirements involving the age and educational status of the child, residency and income. Family Tax Benefit Part B is an extra payment for single parents and families with one main income to help with the costs of raising children. Part B is limited to families where the primary earner has an adjusted taxable income of $150,000 or less per financial year. There are also additional eligibility requirements. Approximately three-quarters of FTB customers receive both Part A and Part B. Data presented in regard to Family Tax Benefit refer only to fortnightly instalment customers paid directly by Centrelink. It excludes an additional 10% (approximately) who are paid by a lump sum which is claimable at the end of a financial year. The Family Tax Benefit data for 2012 are preliminary only; users should refrain from making direct comparisons with data from earlier years in past issues of the National Regional Profile. 31 Baby Bonus may be paid to families following the birth (including stillbirth) or adoption of a child. Prior to 2008, Baby Bonus was known as Maternity Payment. From 1 January 2009 an income test was introduced for Baby Bonus. Customers must have an estimated income of $75,000 or less in the 6 months following the birth of the child. Also from 1 January 2009, the allowable claim period was extended from 26 weeks to 52 weeks. Baby Bonus data has been provided by DSS. The most recent 2012 data for Baby Bonus are lower than for previous years, with some clients shifting to Paid Parental Leave payments. 32 A Service Pension can be paid to veterans on the grounds of age or invalidity, and to eligible partners, widows and widowers. Service Pension data has been provided by DVA. 33 Income Support Supplement is an income support pension paid to: eligible war widows and widowers under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA); and persons receiving wholly dependent partners’ compensation under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA). Income Support Supplement data has been provided by DVA. 34 With the exception of Baby Bonus payments, all Government Pensions and Allowances data refer to a point in time (i.e. the number of persons receiving payment as at the pay period closest to 30 June each year) and therefore do not represent all the customers in receipt of payments during the entire financial year. Customers who have been suspended or not paid at that point of time are not included in these data. Baby Bonus data is cumulative 35 All data has been provided on ASGS 2011 boundaries. For privacy reasons, all data has been confidentialised before being supplied to the ABS. - For DSS data, some regions that have a value of less than 20 persons have been confidentialised. This applies for Newstart, Parenting payments and Youth Allowance. - For other DSS data regions that have a value of less than 5 persons have been confidentialised. This applies for Baby Bonus, Family Tax Benefits, Disability Support, Carer Payments and Centrelink Age Pensions. - For DVA data, all regions that have a value of less than 4 persons have been confidentialised. 36 Where a person could not be allocated to a region within a state/territory, they have been included in the totals for the state/territory. Where a person could not be allocated to a state, they have been included in the total for Australia. 37 More information about specific payments can be accessed through the Department of Social Services and Department of Veterans' Affairs websites. Estimates of Personal Income 38 Estimates of Personal Income data are compiled from the Australian Taxation Office's (ATO) Individual Income Tax Return Database and provided to the ABS by the ATO in aggregated form only. Information about individual taxpayers has not been released to the ABS. The statistics have been subjected to a confidentiality process that adjusts table cells with small values. This includes altering some small cells to zero. The statistics are based on individual income tax returns lodged for the financial year ended 30 June, and processed within sixteen months of the financial year to which they relate. 39 The ATO database covers all individuals who submit an individual income tax return and includes persons with income from one or more of a range of sources such as wages and salaries, own business, investment, superannuation and annuity, and other income. 40 Wages and salaries are the main forms of payments made to employees for their work or services. Wage and salary income, as reported on the income tax return, includes:
41 Own unincorporated business income includes the following data items on the individual income tax return:
42 The data for Own unincorporated business income excludes distributions from trusts for non-primary production activities as this mainly includes income from a range of other activities (mainly investments). It also excludes the income of working directors/owners of incorporated businesses who are classified as employees and consequently their income is included under wage and salary income. 43 Investment income includes:
44 Superannuation and annuity income includes superannuation and similar pensions and annuities paid by an Australian superannuation fund, a retirement saving account provider, a registered organisation or life assurance company and pensions paid by a fund established for the benefit of Commonwealth, state or territory employees and their dependants. Also included in this category are bonuses from life insurance companies and friendly societies.
47 Other income (excluding Government pensions and allowances) is made up of selected sources of other income reported on the individual income tax return that were not allocated to one of the above categories. Net foreign employment income was reported under Other income up to 2008-09, but reported separately from 2009-10. Net foreign employment income is included in Wages and salaries from 2009-10, and there is a break in the series for Other income from 2008-09 to 2009-10. 48 Averages presented are calculated by dividing the total income reported for each income source by the total number of taxable taxpayers for that income source. For example, average Wage and salary income is the total Wage and salary income reported for an area divided by the total number of Wage and salary earners in that area. 49 A geographic correspondence has been used to present the original data on Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011 boundaries. Further general information on Geographic Correspondences can be found in paragraphs 127 to 130. 50 Further information on these statistics can be found in Estimates of Personal Income for Small Areas, Time Series, 2005-06 to 2010-11 (cat. no. 6524.0.55.002). Wage and Salary Earners 51 Wage and salary earner data provides more detail on the Wage and salary earners in 'Estimates of Personal Income' series (paragraphs 38 to 50). The statistics are based on individual income tax returns lodged for the financial year ended 30 June, and processed within sixteen months of the financial year to which they relate. 52 There have been breaks in series associated with the introduction of a one-off tax bonus introduced as part of the Economic Stimulus Package in response to the Global Financial Crisis, as explained in paragraph 46. There have been breaks in series between 2006-07 and 2007-08 and between 2007-08 and 2008-09 in the data presented for the number of Wage and salary earners. Also some table elements may not exactly match the sum of their components due to data transformations applied by ABS.
Rent and Mortgage Payments 55 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing and are household rent and mortgage payments including site fees if the dwelling is a caravan, or manufactured home in a caravan park, or a manufactured home estate. Building Approvals 56 Data for building work approvals are compiled from:
57 The data included in this profile relate to all residential building approvals valued at $10,000 or more and all approved non-residential building jobs valued at $50,000 or more. 58 Building ownership is classified as either public or private sector and is based on the intended owner of the completed building at the time of approval. 59 Type of work can include 'new', 'alterations and additions' and 'conversions'. Unless otherwise specified, building data in the NRP is total building, which is the sum of new, alterations and additions, and conversions. 60 The type of building is the building's intended predominant function according to the ABS Functional Classification of Buildings 1999 (revision 2011) (cat. no. 1268.0.55.001). 61 Construction activity not defined as building (eg. construction of roads, bridges, railways etc) is excluded from building statistics. 62 The data relate to the financial years ending 30 June, 2008 to 2012. For further information see Building Approvals, Australia (cat. no. 8731.0). POPULATION/PEOPLE Estimated Resident Population 63 Population data in the profiles, unless otherwise stated, are the estimated resident population (ERP) for the selected region as at 30 June for the year shown. Data are shown to the nearest whole number without rounding, but accuracy to the last digit should not be assumed. 64 The concept of ERP links people to a place of usual residence within Australia. Usual residence is defined as that place where each person has lived or intends to live for six months or more in a given reference year. 65 Population estimates for most sub-state regions in the NRP are built up from Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2). The ERP as at Census date is calculated based on usual residence Census counts, excluding short-term overseas visitors in Australia, with an allowance for Census net undercount and the number of residents temporarily overseas at Census date. As the census is not held on 30 June (the 2011 Census was held on 9 August), further adjustments taking into account births, deaths and migration for the intervening period are made to obtain ERP at 30 June. 66 For post-censal years, estimates at the Australian level take into account natural increase and net overseas migration, while estimates for states and territories also use estimated interstate migration. The absence of migration data at the SA2 level means that it is not possible to estimate SA2 populations by taking into account natural increase and net migration. Instead, ERP for most SA2s is calculated using a mathematical model, where relationships are established between changes in population and changes in indicator data between the two most recent Censuses. Current indicators include dwelling approvals, Medicare enrolments and counts of people on the Australian Electoral Roll. Changes in these indicators are used to estimate changes in the population of each area since the Census. 67 Estimates for SA2 are apportioned into Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) regions using Census counts and indicator data. Estimates for Local Government Areas (LGAs) are aggregated from SA1 estimates, including split SA1s where they cross LGA boundaries. Users will notice that there is no ERP data for the unincorporated LGAs in WA, Queensland and Tasmania. This is because they do not have geographically defined unincorporated areas. In contrast, the Population Census does show data for these unincorporated LGAs - depicting mainly off-shore and migratory populations. 68 Population estimates included in this edition of NRP are generally the latest available. They are final for years up to and including 2011, and not final for years after 2011. Sub-state estimates for the period 2012 to 2016 will be finalised after the 2016 Census. Working Age Population 69 The working age population (aged 15-64 years) measure is used to give an estimate of the total number of potential workers within an economy. Median Age 70 For any distribution, the median value is that which divides the relevant population into two equal parts, half falling below the value, and half exceeding it. Thus, the median age is the age at which half the population is older and half is younger. Births 71 Data on births are presented on the basis of the usual residence of the mother regardless of where in Australia the birth occurred or was registered. The data refer to live births registered during the calendar year shown, and are supplied to the Australian Bureau of Statistics by each state/territory Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages for compilation into the aggregate statistics in this publication. For more information refer to Births, Australia (cat. no. 3301.0). Deaths 72 Data on deaths are presented on the basis of the usual residence of the deceased regardless of where in Australia the death occurred or was registered. The data refer to deaths registered during the calendar year shown, and are supplied to the Australian Bureau of Statistics by each state/territory Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages for compilation into the aggregate statistics in this publication. For more information refer to Deaths, Australia (cat. no. 3302.0). Population Density 73 The population density for a region is calculated by dividing the 2011 Estimated Resident Population (paragraphs 63 to 68) by the Land Area (paragraph 117) to obtain the number of persons per square kilometre. Average Number of Usual Residents Per Private Dwelling 74 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 75 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing and includes people who identified their origin as being Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, or both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Census data is being used in this issue of the National Regional Profile. 76 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. The Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), Second Edition, Revision 1 (cat. no 1269.0) was used to classify responses for birthplace of individuals. This classification used the current names of countries, so if a person uses a former name the current name is coded. For example, Siam would be coded to Thailand. If an individual's birthplace was not stated on the Census form, an attempt was made to derive it from other answers. 77 The data shown exclude overseas visitors, persons at sea at the time of the Census, and persons whose responses on the Census form inadequately described their country of birth or for whom the birthplace was not stated (and could not be derived). Speaks language other than English 78 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. These data identify the language spoken at home, and are coded using the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL) (cat. no. 1267.0). Only one language is coded for each person. 79 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. These data are for persons aged 15 years and over and show the level of education based on the highest completed non-school qualification of persons (eg. bachelor degree, diploma). 80 The full classification for levels of education and fields of study, together with an explanation of the conceptual basis of the classification, can be found in the publication Australian Standard Classification of Education (ASCED), 2001 (cat. no. 1272.0). Occupation of Employed Persons 81 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing and are for employed people aged 15 years and over. Two occupation questions are used in the Census. The first of these asks for occupation title, while the second asks for the main tasks usually performed by the person in their occupation. Collecting both occupation title and task information ensures more accurate coding of occupations. 82 Occupations are coded using the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) (cat. no. 1220.0). The Occupation code assigned is based on the main job held during the week prior to Census Night. Method of Travel to Work 83 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing and are from the question about how the person got to work on Tuesday 9 August 2011. 84 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing and describe the type of household within a dwelling. Family households can contain non-family members (unrelated persons and visitors). A maximum of three families can be coded to a household. Lone person households can contain visitors. Families 85 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. Families have been classified in terms of the relationships that exist between a single family reference person and each other member of that family. Different types of families are distinguished based on the presence or absence of couple relationships, parent-child relationships, child dependency relationships or other blood relationships, in that order of preference. 86 The family type is derived from people enumerated in the household who usually reside there and who share a familial relationship. Partners and dependent children usually present but temporarily absent are also included in this derivation. Boarders and other non-family members are excluded. Internal Migration 87 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. Internal migration is the movement of people from one defined area to another within a country. The Census asked if the person had a different address one year ago, and five years ago. 88 The percentage of persons in a region who lived at a different address within Australia (one year ago, five years ago) is calculated as a proportion of the persons usually resident in the region. 89 Data collected in the Census only reflect movements which coincide with these particular points in time (i.e. one year ago and five years ago) in the intercensal period, even though there may have been multiple movements during this period. 90 Persons temporarily absent, visitors, and households containing only visitors, are excluded from these data. Unpaid Work 91 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. Data on unpaid work show the proportion of persons usually resident in the region who did any voluntary work in the last twelve months, or any unpaid work (caring for own children, caring for other children, caring for family members or others) in the last two weeks. Access to Internet at Home 92 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing. These data show the proportion of occupied private dwellings in the region that have access to the internet. 93 The categories of access are: 'no internet connection', 'broadband', 'dial-up' and 'other'. Broadband access includes ADSL, cable, wireless and satellite connections. Dial-up includes analog modem and ISDN connections. Other includes access through mobile phones. INDUSTRY Motor Vehicle Census 94 Motor Vehicle Census data refer to vehicles registered with a motor vehicle registration authority. For 2008 to 2010, this was as at 31 March in the reference year, and for 2011 and 2012 this was as at 31 January. 95 The Motor Vehicle Census includes all vehicles registered with a state, territory or other government motor vehicle registry for unrestricted use on public roads with the following exceptions:
96 Vehicles on register are those vehicles registered at the date of the census, or had registration expire less than one month before that date. 97 Motor Vehicle Census data are presented by region of owner, and based on the postcode of the owner. A geographic correspondence has been used in order to present the postcode data on Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011 boundaries. Due to rounding, the sum of the individual components of vehicles will not necessarily add up to total registered motor vehicles. Further information on Geographic Correspondences can be found in paragraphs 127 to 130. 98 The Australia total includes records that could not be allocated to a state or territory. Therefore aggregating state and territory totals will not equal the Australia total. 99 Further information can be found in Motor Vehicle Census, Australia (cat. no. 9309.0). Note that data in that release are by state of registration, and so state/territory totals will not be the same as in this National Regional Profile (which is presented by state of owner). Agricultural Commodities 100 Agricultural Commodities data are estimates obtained from the 2010-11 Agricultural Census. The scope of the Census was all businesses undertaking agricultural activity recorded on the ABS Business Register (ABSBR) above a minimum size cut off of $5,000. The measure of size was based on the ABS' Estimated Value of Agricultural Operations (EVAO) or a derived value based on Business Activity Statement turnover if EVAO was not available. 101 Since not all of the businesses that were selected provided data, the estimates are subject to sampling variability; that is, they may differ from the figures that would have been produced if all businesses had provided data. One measure of the likely difference is given by the Standard Error (SE) which indicates the extent to which an estimate might vary by chance because only a sample was taken or had responded. there are about two chances in three that a 'sample' estimate will differ by less than one SE from the figure that would have been obtained if all businesses had responded, and about nineteen chances in twenty that the difference will be less than two SE. 102 In Agriculture data, sampling variability of the estimates is measured by the Relative Standard Error (RSE) which is obtained by expressing the Standard Error as a percentage of the estimate to which it refers. In the National Regional Profile, Agriculture data with an RSE greater than 50% are not presented. 103 Agriculture Census data have been produced on Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011 (ASGS 2011). 104 For further information see Agricultural Commodities, Australia (cat. no. 7121.0). Gross Value of Agricultural Production 105 The value of agricultural production estimates are derived by the multiplication of price and quantity of individual agricultural commodities. Quantity data for most crops were collected in the 2010-11 Agricultural Census. Remaining commodity data (livestock disposals and livestock products excluding eggs) are obtained from other ABS collections with some information non-ABS sources. Price information refers to the average unit value of a given commodity realised in the market place. Price information for livestock slaughterings and wool is obtained from ABS collections. price information for other commodities is obtained from non-ABS sources, including marketing authorities and industry sources. 106 The estimates of gross value are subject to sampling error. (see paragraph 102 for a discussion of sampling error in Agriculture data). In the National Regional Profile, Agriculture data with a relative standard error (RSE) greater than 50% are not presented. 107 Further information on Value of Agricultural Production can be obtained in the ABS publication Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia (cat. no 7503.0). Employed by Industry 108 These data are from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing and are for all employed people aged 15 years and over. 109 Industry is coded using the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 2006 (ANZSIC) (cat. no. 1292.0). The industry code assigned is based on the main job held during the week prior to Census Night. Tourist Accommodation Establishments
ENVIRONMENT/ENERGY Land Area 117 The land area data are based upon the boundaries in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011. The areas of the regions were calculated using ABS standard Geographic Information Systems software using the digital boundaries of the regions. Water Use on Australian Farms 118 Water use data are from the 2010-11 Agricultural Census. Data was collected from agricultural businesses on the ABS Business Register undertaking agricultural activity above a minimum size cut off of $5,000. 119 The estimates are based on responses to the Agricultural Census and since not all of the businesses that were selected provided data, the estimates are subject to sampling variability. That is, estimates may differ from figures that would be produced if all businesses had provided data. In the National Regional Profile, Water Use data with a relative standard error (RSE) greater than 50% are not presented. 120 For further information see Water Use on Australian Farms, 2011-12 (cat. no. 4618.0). Land Use 121 Land use data has been provided by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) ( and uses their Catchment Scale Landuse Mapping (CLUM) data set. Land use is classified to the most general 'Primary' level of the Australian Land Use and Management (ALUM) classification. More information about ABARES' land use mapping program can be found on the ABARES website: 122 Land uses shown are:
Dynamic Land Cover 123 Dynamic Land Cover has been provided by Geoscience Australia ( The data set is the first nationally consistent and thematically comprehensive land cover reference for Australia. It is a result of collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), and provides a base-line for identifying and reporting on change and trends in vegetation cover and extent. The classification scheme used to describe land cover categories conforms to the 2007 International Standards Organisation (ISO) land cover standard (19144-2). The Dynamic Land Cover data set shows land cover clustered into 34 ISo classes. These reflect the structural character of vegetation, ranging from cultivated and managed land covers (crops and pastures) to natural land covers such as closed forest and sparse, open grasslands. The source data for the DLCD is a time series of Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Terra and Aqua satellites operated by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). More information can be found on the Geoscience Australia website: STATISTICAL GEOGRAPHY 124 The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) is used by the ABS for the collection and dissemination of geographically classified statistics. The ASGS replaced the Australian Standard Geographic Classification (ASGC) from July 2011. 125 The ASGS is an essential reference for understanding and interpreting the geographic context of statistics published, not only by the ABS but also by other organisations, and its use enables comparability across datasets. 126 This edition of the National Regional Profile uses ASGS 2011. Where available, data has been sourced for regions of the ASGS. In some cases, historical data has not been available on ASGS, and so has not bee available to include in the profiles. Some data based on postcodes have been converted to data for regions of the ASGS 2011 using geographic correspondences. Geographic correspondences 127 The use of geographic correspondences enables the conversion of data from one type of geographic region to another. These geographic correspondences are generally used to convert data for 'non-standard areas' to data for standard areas used by the ABS. Geographic correspondences (or conversions) are expressed as conversion factors based on population. 128 The correspondences process:
129 When analysing data produced by correspondences, the following limitations of this methodology need to be taken into account:
130 While care was taken in producing the correspondences the ABS will not guarantee the accuracy of data produced by correspondences. ASGS correspondences are found on the Statistical Geography page of the ABS website. Geographic regions 131 The statistics in this product are presented according to the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGS), 2011. Under this classification, statistical areas below Australia and state/territory level are defined as follows:
NATIONAL REGIONAL PROFILE CONTENT SUMMARY 133 The following two tables summarise content in the National Regional Profile (NRP). In particular they show which years and geographic regions the NRP data series are available for. 134 Users should note that some data are not available for all reference years for a variety of reasons - for example, due to conceptual breaks in data series or periodic data collection cycles (once every 5 years) or impending wholesale revisions. Additionally, some data series are not available for the full range of geographies. Reasons can range from confidentiality protection, to data owner/custodian preferences, industry identification with particular geographies, and the presence of high proportions of suppressed data cells (at smaller geographies) thus preventing realistic aggregations up the ASGS hierarchy. NATIONAL REGIONAL PROFILE CONTENT SUMMARY, Economy
(a) DVA data at SA3 geography is only available for 2012, whereas LGA and State/Territory data are available for a 5 year time series. NATIONAL REGIONAL PROFILE CONTENT SUMMARY, Population / People, Industry and Environment
(a) Census items are in Economy (e.g. labour force items), Population/People (e.g. qualifications) and Industry (e.g. industry of employment). Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.