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18/08/2009 Note: Table 1 has been updated to include new time series identifiers for tables published in 'International Merchandise Imports, Australia' (cat. no. 5439.0) and 'International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia' (cat. no. 5368.0).
More than one UN country code can be corresponded to one ABS country code and more than one UN location code can be corresponded to one ABS port code. Countries are added to the ABS trade country classification as soon as practical after they are:
In some cases a new country code is added to the UN location code classification but the country is not recognised by DFAT. In these cases the new country code is corresponded into another country (eg. JE "Jersey" is merged into the ABS trade country code UK "United Kingdom"). The trade country classification aligns as far as practicable to the ABS Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC) (cat. no. 1269.0) which defines the standard country classification used in other ABS statistics. Ports are added to the ABS port classifications once:
When changes to the ABS port classifications are necessary they will generally only take effect from 1 July. CHANGES TO ABS TRADE COUNTRY CLASSIFICATION The following three countries will be added into the ABS trade country classification:
The ABS countries "Serbia" (SERB) and "Montenegro" (MTEN) will replace the existing ABS country code "Serbia and Montenegro" (YUGO), which will be closed. Note that Serbia still incorporates the Kosovo region which has been recognised by DFAT but not yet by the UN. There are new UN country codes for "Jersey" (JE), the "Isle of Man" (IM) and "Guernsey" (GG). These will be corresponded to the existing ABS trade country code "UK" (United Kingdom). An update to the list of UN country codes to be used in completing Customs export declarations was released on 2 July 2009 in Table 1.5 of the Australian Harmonized Export Commodity Classification (AHECC) (cat. no. 1233.0). CHANGES TO ABS TRADE PORT CLASSIFICATION The ABS overseas port and ABS Australian port classifications have been recently reviewed. For overseas ports, the review was restricted to countries with a large amount of trade not allocated to identified ABS ports. These countries were China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico and South Korea. The review identified a number of ports with sufficient trade to open as new ABS overseas ports. A number of UN location codes were identified as being incorrectly corresponded and will be corrected. A small number of existing ABS overseas ports that had low values of trade will be closed. The ABS Australian port classification was also reviewed and as a result one additional port code will be opened, some port codes will be closed and one amendment will be made to the UN location code to ABS port code correspondence. TIME SERIES Changes to both ABS trade country and port classifications will be introduced with data for July 2009. However, time series back to January 2009 will be updated to reflect the changes. Country merchandise trade statistics are included in the publications International Merchandise Imports, Australia (cat. no. 5439.0), International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia (cat. no. 5368.0) and Characteristics of Australian Exporters (cat. no. 5368.0.55.006) and in International Trade Subscriptions. The time series spreadsheets listed below will change from the July 2009 publication onwards to include data relating to the three new countries.
The format of Table 14 in International Trade in Goods and Services, Australia (cat. no. 5368.0) which contains data for selected countries will not change. Port merchandise trade statistics are available from International Trade Subscriptions. DETAILS OF CLASSIFICATION CHANGES Three tables containing new classification codes and changes to existing classification codes can be accessed from the data cube available from the Downloads tab of this information paper. Table 1 information on changes to the ABS trade country classification:
Table 2 information on changes to the ABS trade overseas port classification:
Table 3 information on changes to the ABS trade Australian port classification:
FURTHER INFORMATION If you require further information about the changes, please write, email or telephone: Balance of Payments and International Trade Section Australian Bureau of Statistics PO Box 10 BELCONNEN ACT 2616 Email: Telephone: (02) 6252 5409 Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.