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INTRODUCTION Additional topics presented only for Indigenous persons aged 15 years and over, include: Topics presented for Indigenous children aged 0-3 years are: Key findings Key findings from the 2008 NATSISS for Indigenous people aged 15 years and over include:
Key findings for Indigenous children aged 4-14 years include:
For people wishing to undertake more detailed analysis of the survey data, special tabulations are available on request. A series of thematic releases, as well as an Expanded Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) are planned for release in early 2010. See Products and Services in the Explanatory Notes. BACKGROUND The 2008 NATSISS is the third national social survey of Indigenous Australians conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Building on the 2002 NATSISS and the 1994 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey (NATSIS), the 2008 survey includes data on Indigenous children (aged 0-14 years). Data for children aged 0-3 years focus on infant and maternal health topics, including birthweight, breastfeeding and issues that may have been experienced by a child's mother during pregnancy (eg high blood pressure). Data for children aged 4-14 years includes key health topics (eg dental, sight or hearing problems), as well as extensive data on language and culture similar to the data collected for persons aged 15 years and over. More information on the comparability of the 2008 and 2002 surveys is provided in the Explanatory Notes. Further information will be available in the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey: Users' Guide, 2008 (cat. no. 4720.0), planned for release on the ABS website in early 2010. Comparisons between the 2002 NATSISS and the 1994 NATSIS are provided in the publication, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey: Data Reference Package, 2002 (cat. no. 4714.0.55.002). Survey development Experts and key stakeholders assisted the ABS with advice on survey content, including the most appropriate topics for collection, associated concepts and definitions. Advice was sought from a range of people and groups, including representatives from Indigenous peak bodies; government departments with Indigenous responsibilities; universities with a background in relevant academic research; and the ABS Advisory Group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics. A substantial contribution towards the funding of this survey was provided by the Council of Australian Governments (CoAG), as agreed through the Working Group on Indigenous Reform, and the Victorian Government Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD). Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.