Business income
See 'Own unincorporated business income'.
Country of birth
Country of birth has been classified according to the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 2016 (cat. no. 1269.0)
Citizenship country
The country of citizenship of the visa applicant or visa holder. Where a visa applicant or visa holder has more than one citizenship country, either the citizenship of the travel document or the citizenship nominated by the visa applicant is used. A citizenship country of 'Not Specified' can result from eligible dual nationality applicants where the non-eligible nationality has been recorded for the visa application.
A grouping derived by ranking all units in the population in ascending order according to some continuous variable, such as their income, and dividing the ranked population into ten equal groups, each comprising 10% of the population.
A person who works for a public or private employer and receives remuneration in wages, salary, a retainer fee from their employer while working on a commission basis, type, piece-rates or payment in kind; or a person who operates his or her own unincorporated business with or without hiring employees.
Employers' social contributions
Payments by employers to social insurance schemes for the benefit of their employees. Includes employers' contributions to workers' compensation insurance, severance, termination and redundancy payments, superannuation schemes and the provision of subsidised social infrastructure such as employer owned social centres, medical facilities, etc.
Family migrants
Persons who have arrived in Australia on a Child, Partner, Parent or Other Family stream visa. These migrants are selected on the basis of their family relationship (spouse, de facto partner, intent to marry, child, parent, other family) with their sponsor who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand Citizen.
Foreign income
Income from foreign sources include the following data items on the individual income taxation return:
- Q19-B Foreign entities - Transferor or trust income;
- Q19-K Foreign entities - Controlled foreign company income;
- Q20-U Foreign source income - Net foreign employment income payment summary;
- Q20-N Exempt foreign employment income;
- Q20-T Other net foreign employment source income;
- Q20-R Net foreign rent;
- Q20-LD Foreign source income - Net foreign pension/annuity income; and
- Q20-M Foreign source income - Other net foreign source income.
Government pensions and allowances
Income support payments from government to persons under social security and related government programs. This includes pensions and allowances received by aged, disabled, unemployed and sick persons, their families and children, veterans or their survivors, and study allowances for students. Also includes overseas pensions and benefits, although some may not be paid by overseas governments. One-off payments to support current consumption are also included, such as carer's lump sum payments, Baby Bonus (formerly known as Maternity Payment) and Child Disability Assistance Payment paid to recipients of Carer Allowance.
Gross Income
See Total income.
Humanitarian migrants
Includes permanent entrants under the Offshore Humanitarian Program, as well as those who were granted permanent protection post-arrival in Australia.
From 2006, industry is classified according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 (Revision 2.0) (cat. no. 1292.0).
Investment income
Receipts that arise from the ownership of assets that are provided to others for their use. In includes returns from financial and non-financial assets and royalties.
A job is determined by an Individual Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) record linked to an Australian Business Number (ABN) record.
Main applicant
The 'main applicant' is generally the person whose skills or proposed activities in Australia are assessed by the Department of Home Affairs as part of their visa application. They will usually have been specifically identified on the application form as the 'main applicant'.
Negative income
The loss incurred from rental property, the purchase of shares or units in public unit trusts, or by an unincorporated business, where the total of interest paid, other operating expenses and depreciation exceed the gross receipts. Excludes capital losses incurred from the sale of assets.
Occupation is classified according to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), First Edition, Revision 1 (cat. no. 1220.0).
Offshore applicant
A person who has applied from outside of Australia for a permanent entry visa is called an 'offshore' applicant. For an offshore applicant, their arrival date is recorded when the applicant arrives in Australia on that permanent visa.
Onshore applicant
A person who has applied for a permanent visa from within Australia (e.g. maybe on a temporary visa and wishes to remain in Australia, such as a student or a temporary worker) is classified as an 'Onshore' applicant. For a person who applies onshore, their arrival date is the date of their last entry into Australia.
Other Income
Other income (excluding Government pensions and allowances) includes transfer or trust income; foreign investment fund and/or foreign life insurance assurance policy income (in 2009-10 only); controlled foreign company income; foreign salary/pension income; other net foreign source income; and other income. Due to the low response rate, data for Superannuation and annuity income has been included in Other income in this publication. Data for superannuation and annuities are understated. See Explanatory Notes for more information.
Other Permanent migrants
Includes all other permanent visa categories (not included in the Skill, Family or Humanitarian streams) such as Former Citizen or Former resident (151,152) and Resolution of Status (851) or where the type of permanent visa could not be determined.
Permanent migrant
A person who was born overseas who has permanent Australian resident status.
Permanent visa
The permission or authority granted by Australia for foreign nationals to live in Australia permanently.
Provisional migrants
Provisional migrants include those who have recently completed study in an Australian educational institution on a temporary visa and are intending to transition to a permanent visa. Also referred to as a pathway visa.
Rental income
Profit or loss from rental properties after expenses such as interest, land rates, insurance and repairs and maintenance costs are deducted.
Reportable employee superannuation contributions
In this publication, reportable employer superannuation contributions include those for both employees and unincorporated business owners. The proportion of people reporting as unincorporated business owners is considered to be sufficiently small for the gross amount to be included as employee income.
Reportable fringe benefits (gross value not adjusted)
Reportable fringe benefits (gross value not adjusted) have been included in total employee income. Where the value of benefits provided by an employer exceeds $2,000 in the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) reference year (e.g. April 2013 to March 2014), then that value much be reported as the gross taxable value of those benefits on the recipient's payment summary for the similar income year (e.g. 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014). Fringe benefits below $2,000 are not reportable. This item includes both salary sacrificed and 'in-kind' (goods and services) payments. It is not possible to separately identify salary sacrificed amounts from this payment.
Secondary applicant
A person whose visa was granted on the basis of being the family member (e.g. spouse, dependent child) of a person who qualified for a visa. They will have been identified on the visa application as an 'other' or secondary applicant with the person who met the visa criteria being specifically identified on the visa application as the 'main applicant'. Secondary applicants are included in the same visa stream as the main applicant. For example, family members granted permanent visas where the main applicant has been granted a Skill stream visa, will all enter Australia under a Skill stream visa.
Skilled migrants
Persons who have arrived in Australia on a Skill stream visa. The Skill stream consists of a number of categories for prospective migrants where there is demand in Australia for their particular skills. They could be nominated by an employer or State/Territory Government, apply under points based Skilled Migration, have outstanding talents or demonstrated business skills.
Self-employment income
The profit or loss that accrues to owners of, or partners in, their own unincorporated business(es). The profit or loss is the value of the gross output of the enterprise (including the estimated value of goods and services produced for barter as well as goods produced for own consumption) less the deduction of operating expenses. It includes profits from capital investments of partners who do not work in these enterprises, i.e. silent partners.
Taxable income
For an individual, the taxable income is the amount remaining after deducting from assessable income all deductions allowed under the Income Tax Assessment Act for that year and is the amount to which tax rates are applied.
Total income
Income from all sources, whether monetary or in kind, before income tax and the Medicare levy are deducted.
Unincorporated business
A business enterprise that does not possess a separate legal identify from its owners, who thus bear full liability for any action or inaction of the business.
Unincorporated business income
See Self-employment income.
Visa stream
The permanent visa subclasses held by individuals are categorised into the following visa streams.
- Skill visa stream
- Family visa stream
- Humanitarian visa stream
- Other Permanent visa stream
Provisional visa holders on a pathway to a permanent visa are also included in PITMID. See entry on Provisional migrants