Feature Article - Goods and Services by Region
This article was published in the February 2000 issue of International trade in goods and services (ABS Cat NO. 5368.0, p19-23)
1 This article provides summary financial year data both for Australia's trade in goods and services with selected major trading partners, and for Australia's trade in services by State. Table A presents, for Australia's top 12 trading partners (determined by summing the absolute values of both credits and debits for 1998-99), the goods and services credits and debits, and the balances, for 1996-97 to 1998-99. Table B extends the analysis to over 40 countries or country groups, for
1998-99 only, breaking the trade up into goods and services. Table C presents, for the same countries and groups as in Table B, three broad services categories that are traded. Table D shows Australia's 1998-99 trade in services, classified by State, for 11 broad services categories and, for credits only, a split of travel into education related and other travel.
Interpretation of trade data by country
2 The quality of statistics of trade in goods and services by country are considered to be good, although there are occasional difficulties due to lack of information or the confidentiality of the actual trading partners involved. Therefore, about 2% of total exports and imports shown in Table B for 1998-99 remain unallocated. A comprehensive explanation of the data sources used and the methodology applied in the compilation of regional statistics, is provided in Chapter 17 of
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia - Concepts, Sources and Methods (5331.0) - a copy of this publication is located on the ABS website (www.abs.gov.au Select Statistics then select Statistical Concepts Library).
Analysis of Australian trade with selected partner countries
3 Table A shows that in 1998-99, Australia recorded a deficit of $14.4 billion in the balance on goods and services, a deterioration of $9.8 billion from a deficit of $4.7 billion in 1997-98. The selected countries shown in Table A contributed 72% of the total trade and accounted for 73% of the deterioration in the balance. The trading position deteriorated for eleven of the twelve countries shown.
4 The largest contribution to the deterioration in the deficit on goods and services was the fall in the surplus with Japan, down $2.5 billion to $4.6 billion in 1998-99. Goods exports to Japan fell by $1.0 billion while goods imports rose $0.9 billion. The deterioration in the trade position with Japan was almost completely offset by a $2.2 billion improvement in the trading position with the United Kingdom, from a deficit of $3.7 billion in 1997-98 to a deficit of $1.5 billion in 1998-99. The remaining ten countries (with exports of goods up $1.4 billion), shown in Table A all contributed to the deterioration, with Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia contributing $1.2 billion, $1.0 billion and $0.9 billion, respectively. Exports to each of these countries were down and imports were up. There was a turnaround in the balance with Indonesia from a $0.1 billion
surplus in 1997-98 to a $0.8 billion deficit in 1998-99, the first deficit on record, with goods exports falling and goods imports rising.
5 Table B extends the trade analysis for 1998-99 into more countries and country groups. It shows that, with the exception of the small surpluses with Belgium-Luxembourg and the Russian Federation, Australia ran trade deficits with all of the identified European trading partners (including the residual category for Europe nes), with many of those individual deficits over $1 billion. The balance of trade with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) recorded a turnaround of $3.4 billion, from a surplus of $1.0 billion to a deficit of $2.4 billion, the first deficit on record. This is a sharp deterioration from the $4.7 billion surplus in 1996-97.
6 Table C provides some further details of the balance of trade in services with selected trading partners in 1998-99. Deficits were recorded with most European partners (Sweden and Belgium-Luxembourg recorded minor surpluses). Surpluses were recorded for most Asian trading partners with Japan recording the largest at $1.6 billion. The largest trade in services deficit was recorded with the United States of America at $1.2 billion. Singapore recorded the second largest
deficit at $0.4 billion.
Further information
7 Further information and longer time series for both calendar and financial year by country data can be obtained by contacting Karen MacLennan on Canberra (02) 6252 6689, or fax (02) 6252 7219, or email her at karen.maclennan@abs.gov.au.
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations
EU European Union
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
| | Balance on goods and services | Credits | Debits |
| | 1996-97 | 1997-98 | 1998-99 | 1996-97 | 1997-98 | 1998-99 | 1996-97 | 1997-98 | 1998-99 |
China, People's Republic of | -668 | -1 574 | -2 202 | 4,005 | 4,367 | 4 554 | -4 673 | -5 941 | -6 756 |
Germany | -3 367 | -3 993 | -4 805 | 1 729 | 1 973 | 2 165 | -5 096 | -5 966 | -6 970 |
Hong Kong (SAR of China) | 2 003 | 2 899 | 1 697 | 4 176 | 5 191 | 4 116 | -2 173 | -2 292 | -2 419 |
Indonesia | 1 774 | 129 | -813 | 4 359 | 3 692 | 3 068 | -2 585 | -3 563 | -3 881 |
Japan | 7 301 | 7 092 | 4 622 | 19 178 | 21 172 | 19 978 | -11 877 | -14 080 | -15 356 |
Korea, Republic of | 5 261 | 2 843 | 2 751 | 8 113 | 7 044 | 6 813 | -2 852 | -4 201 | -4 062 |
Malaysia | 548 | -234 | -1 241 | 3081 | 2877 | 2498 | -2 533 | -3 111 | -3 739 |
New Zealand | 3 061 | 2 369 | 2 174 | 7 926 | 7 487 | 7 598 | -4 865 | -5 118 | -5 424 |
Singapore | 1 026 | 955 | -115 | 4 691 | 4 832 | 4 541 | -3 665 | -3 877 | -4 656 |
Taiwan | 1 519 | 1 720 | 1 622 | 4 217 | 4 744 | 4 740 | -2 698 | -3 024 | -3 118 |
United Kingdom | -4 532 | -3 723 | -1 483 | 4 546 | 5 517 | 7 336 | -9 078 | -9 240 | -8 819 |
United States of America | -13 683 | -13 361 | -14 229 | 8 792 | 11 950 | 12 450 | -22 475 | -25 311 | -26 679 |
Sub-total | 243 | -4 878 | -12 022 | 74813 | 80846 | 79857 | -74 570 | -85 724 | -91 879 |
| | | | | | | | | | |
All other countries | 1327 | 217 | -2 426 | 30347 | 32975 | 32138 | -29 020 | -32 758 | -34 564 |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Total all Countries | 1 570 | -4 661 | -14 448 | 105 160 | 113 821 | 111 995 | -103 590 | -118 482 | -126 443 |
| | Balance on goods & services | Total goods
& services | Goods | Services | Total goods
& services | Goods | Services |
Belgium and Luxembourg | 461 | 1 198 | 1 091 | 107 | -737 | -666 | -71 |
Brunei Darussalam | 50 | 72 | 48 | 24 | -22 | -11 | -11 |
Canada | -225 | 1 648 | 1 281 | 367 | -1 873 | -1 553 | -320 |
Central America and Caribbean | -165 | 253 | 217 | 36 | -418 | -206 | -212 |
Chile | 130 | 217 | 213 | 4 | -87 | -68 | -19 |
China, People's Republic of | -2 202 | 4 554 | 3 971 | 583 | -6 756 | -6 143 | -613 |
Fiji | 44 | 716 | 560 | 156 | -672 | -349 | -323 |
France | -1 421 | 1 143 | 918 | 225 | -2 564 | -2 217 | -347 |
Germany | -4 805 | 2 165 | 1 419 | 746 | -6 970 | -6 119 | -851 |
Greece | -254 | 86 | 55 | 31 | -340 | -101 | -239 |
Hong Kong (SAR of China) | 1 697 | 4 116 | 3 088 | 1 028 | -2 419 | -1 233 | -1 186 |
Indonesia | -813 | 3 068 | 2 210 | 858 | -3 881 | -3 294 | -587 |
Ireland, Republic of | -851 | 301 | 175 | 126 | -1 152 | -1 002 | -150 |
Italy | -1 557 | 1 874 | 1 578 | 296 | -3 431 | -2 933 | -498 |
Japan | 4 622 | 19 978 | 16 658 | 3 320 | -15 356 | -13 666 | -1 690 |
Korea, Republic of | 2 751 | 6 813 | 6 355 | 458 | -4 062 | -3 776 | -286 |
Malaysia | -1 241 | 2 498 | 1 869 | 629 | -3 739 | -2 993 | -746 |
Mexico | -57 | 331 | 315 | 16 | -388 | -366 | -22 |
Netherlands | -351 | 1 090 | 819 | 271 | -1 441 | -923 | -518 |
New Zealand | 2 174 | 7 598 | 5 838 | 1 760 | -5 424 | -3 973 | -1 451 |
Papua New Guinea | 381 | 1 316 | 1 019 | 297 | -935 | -784 | -151 |
Philippines | 821 | 1 392 | 1 215 | 177 | -571 | -407 | -164 |
Russian Federation | 138 | 214 | 171 | 43 | -76 | -23 | -53 |
Singapore | -115 | 4 541 | 3 229 | 1 312 | -4 656 | -2 962 | -1 694 |
South Africa | 433 | 1 167 | 947 | 220 | -734 | -541 | -193 |
Sweden | -1 343 | 331 | 159 | 172 | -1 674 | -1 584 | -90 |
Switzerland | -1 085 | 748 | 445 | 303 | -1 833 | -1 095 | -738 |
Taiwan | 1 622 | 4 740 | 4 226 | 514 | -3 118 | -2 996 | -122 |
Thailand | -788 | 1 678 | 1 313 | 365 | -2 466 | -1 913 | -553 |
United Kingdom | -1 483 | 7 336 | 4 497 | 2 839 | -8 819 | -5 579 | -3 240 |
United States of America | -14 229 | 12 450 | 8 026 | 4 424 | -26 679 | -21 017 | -5 662 |
Africa nes | 1 420 | 1 771 | 1 671 | 100 | -351 | -159 | -192 |
America nes | 307 | 1 023 | 685 | 338 | -716 | -485 | -231 |
Asia nes | 3 545 | 8 020 | 6 906 | 1 114 | -4 475 | -3 564 | -911 |
Europe nes | -1 592 | 2 401 | 1 650 | 751 | -3 993 | -2 934 | -1 059 |
Oceania nes | 499 | 892 | 668 | 224 | -393 | -179 | -214 |
Unallocated | -966 | 2 256 | 182 | 2 074 | -3 222 | -613 | -2 609 |
| | | | | | | | |
Total all countries | -14 448 | 111 995 | 85 687 | 26 308 | -126 443 | -98 427 | -28 016 |
APEC | -3 096 | 79 336 | 63 200 | 16 136 | -82 432 | -67 155 | -15 277 |
ASEAN | -2 407 | 14 210 | 10 722 | 3 488 | -16 617 | -12 567 | -4 050 |
EU | -12 962 | 16 920 | 11 640 | 5 280 | -29 882 | -23 465 | -6 417 |
OECD | -17 266 | 69 118 | 53 044 | 16 074 | -86 384 | -69 403 | -16 981 |
| | | Balance on services | Total services | Trans-
portation | Travel | Other | Total services | Trans-
portation | Travel | Other |
Belgium/Luxembourg | 36 | 107 | 59 | 27 | 21 | -71 | 0 | -16 | -55 |
Brunei Darussalam | 13 | 24 | n.p. | 24 | n.p. | -11 | n.p. | -11 | n.p. |
Canada | 47 | 367 | 96 | 210 | 61 | -320 | -67 | -178 | -75 |
Central America and Caribbean | -176 | 36 | 17 | 4 | 15 | -212 | n.p. | -18 | -194 |
Chile | -15 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 0 | -19 | 0 | -19 | 0 |
China, People's Republic of | -30 | 583 | 125 | 366 | 92 | -613 | -318 | -195 | -100 |
Fiji | -167 | 156 | 78 | 59 | 19 | -323 | -101 | -146 | -76 |
France | -122 | 225 | n.p. | 155 | 70 | -347 | -13 | -218 | -116 |
Germany | -105 | 746 | 179 | 444 | 123 | -851 | -474 | -165 | -212 |
Greece | -208 | 31 | n.p. | 26 | 5 | -239 | -62 | -152 | -25 |
Hong Kong (SAR of China) | -158 | 1028 | 303 | 523 | 202 | -1 186 | -500 | -450 | -236 |
Indonesia | 271 | 858 | 146 | 560 | 152 | -587 | -207 | -273 | -107 |
Ireland, Republic of | -24 | 126 | 0 | 104 | 22 | -150 | -15 | -122 | -13 |
Italy | -202 | 296 | 97 | 157 | 42 | -498 | -135 | -329 | -34 |
Japan | 1630 | 3320 | 1124 | 1900 | 296 | -1 690 | -957 | -230 | -503 |
Korea, Republic of | 172 | 458 | 64 | 356 | 38 | -286 | -122 | -42 | -122 |
Malaysia | -117 | 629 | 120 | 419 | 90 | -746 | -444 | -238 | -64 |
Mexico | -6 | 16 | 0 | 4 | 12 | -22 | n.p. | -19 | -3 |
Netherlands | -247 | 271 | 57 | 147 | 67 | -518 | -187 | -77 | -254 |
New Zealand | 309 | 1760 | 422 | 941 | 397 | -1 451 | -546 | -664 | -241 |
Papua New Guinea | 146 | 297 | 137 | 112 | 48 | -151 | -31 | -100 | -20 |
Philippines | 13 | 177 | 48 | 79 | 50 | -164 | -14 | -105 | -45 |
Russian Federation | -10 | 43 | 14 | 26 | 3 | -53 | -17 | -33 | -3 |
Singapore | -382 | 1312 | 502 | 567 | 243 | -1 694 | -986 | -289 | -419 |
South Africa | 27 | 220 | 57 | 131 | 32 | -193 | -59 | -107 | -27 |
Sweden | 82 | 172 | 51 | 102 | 19 | -90 | -9 | -33 | -48 |
Switzerland | -435 | 303 | 130 | 136 | 37 | -738 | -515 | -54 | -169 |
Taiwan | 392 | 514 | 73 | 416 | 25 | -122 | -29 | -75 | -18 |
Thailand | -188 | 365 | 105 | 221 | 39 | -553 | -154 | -364 | -35 |
United Kingdom | -401 | 2839 | 632 | 1333 | 874 | -3 240 | -766 | -1 382 | -1 092 |
United States of America | -1 238 | 4424 | 654 | 1166 | 2604 | -5 662 | -1 065 | -1 317 | -3 280 |
Africa nes | -92 | 100 | 12 | 48 | 40 | -192 | -58 | -114 | -20 |
America nes | 107 | 338 | 256 | 57 | 25 | -231 | -81 | -123 | -27 |
Asia nes | 203 | 1114 | 385 | 533 | 196 | -911 | -331 | -296 | -284 |
Europe nes | -308 | 751 | 193 | 381 | 177 | -1 059 | -493 | -456 | -110 |
Oceania nes | 10 | 224 | 40 | 129 | 55 | -214 | -41 | -154 | -19 |
Unallocated | -534 | 2074 | 692 | 89 | 1293 | -2 609 | -570 | -480 | -1 559 |
Total all countries | -1 708 | 26308 | 6868 | 11956 | 7484 | -28 016 | -9 367 | -9 044 | -9 605 |
APEC | 859 | 16136 | 3919 | 7868 | 4349 | -15 277 | -5 440 | -4 569 | -5 268 |
ASEAN | -562 | 3488 | 938 | 1953 | 597 | -4 050 | -1 850 | -1 443 | -757 |
EU | -1 137 | 5280 | 1232 | 2694 | 1354 | -6 417 | -1 847 | -2 689 | -1 881 |
OECD | -907 | 16074 | 3750 | 7510 | 4814 | -16 981 | -5 397 | -5 305 | -6 279 |
| | | (a) for cells annotated 'n.p.' the data are included in the appropriate n.e.s. category. | | | | |
Interpretation of trade data by state
8 Table D presents international services credits (by State of provision) and international services debits (by State of consumption for 1998-00, for 11 broad services commodities. Travel credits are also split into 'education related' and 'other' travel services. Confidentiality severely restricts the detail that can be provided for some States and Territories. Care should be exercised in interpreting the data. While the State allocation methods for transportation, travel and communication services are considered reasonable, especially for the analysis of movements in the services, the allocation for other business services is primarily based on the location of the business reporting the information as a proxy for State of origin/consumption of that service.
Further information
9 Further information and longer time series for both calendar and financial year data can also be obtained by contacting Karen MacLennan on Canberra (02) 6252 6689, or fax (02) 6252 7219, or email her at karen.maclennan@abs.gov.au.
| | NSW | Vic. | Qld. | SA | WA | Tas. | NT | ACT | Unallocated | Australia |
| | CREDITS ($M) |
Transportation | 2 645 | 2 232 | 1 239 | 104 | 574 | 8 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 6 868 |
Travel | 4 825 | 2 096 | 3 140 | 307 | 1 227 | 88 | 123 | 122 | 28 | 11 956 |
Education-related | 1 101 | 737 | 458 | 114 | 378 | 44 | 8 | 64 | 2 | 2 906 |
Other | 3 724 | 1 359 | 2 682 | 193 | 849 | 44 | 115 | 58 | 26 | 9 050 |
Communication (a) | 490 | 269 | 186 | 133 | 99 | 24 | 10 | 19 | 0 | 1 230 |
Construction services(b) | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. |
Financial services | 402 | 307 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 716 |
Insurance services | 546 | 286 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 859 |
Computer & information services | 533 | 77 | n.p. | n.p. | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | n.p. | 676 |
Royalties & copyrights | 356 | 83 | n.p. | 8 | 12 | 0 | 0 | n.p. | n.p. | 488 |
Other business services(b) | 1 489 | 624 | 175 | 49 | 164 | 0 | n.p. | 13 | n.p. | 2 570 |
Personal, cultural services | 202 | 106 | n.p. | n.p. | 7 | 2 | n.p. | n.p. | 0 | 386 |
Government services n.i.e. | 37 | 13 | 2 | 26 | 13 | 0 | 89 | 341 | 38 | 559 |
Confidential items (c) | 0 | 0 | 95 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 24 | 60 | .. |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Total | 11 525 | 6 093 | 4 840 | 659 | 2 105 | 122 | 289 | 519 | 156 | 26 308 |
| | DEBITS ($M) |
Transportation | -3 907 | -2 567 | -1 457 | -305 | -966 | -37 | -128 | 0 | 0 | -9 367 |
Travel | -3 617 | -2 223 | -1 306 | -421 | -1 089 | -87 | -90 | -180 | -31 | -9 044 |
Communication (a) | -477 | -432 | -251 | -106 | -128 | -32 | -25 | -14 | 0 | -1 465 |
Construction services | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Financial services | -304 | -164 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -468 |
Insurance services | -885 | -37 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -922 |
Computer & information services | -199 | -66 | -3 | n.p. | -2 | 0 | 0 | n.p. | n.p. | -426 |
Royalties & copyrights | -1 118 | -456 | -18 | n.p. | -17 | 0 | 0 | -1 | n.p. | -1 693 |
Other business services | -1 115 | -1 296 | -129 | -70 | -398 | -5 | -2 | n.p. | n.p. | -3 243 |
Personal cultural services | -579 | -148 | -6 | n.p. | -2 | 0 | 0 | n.p. | 0 | -755 |
Government services n.i.e. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -499 | -134 | -633 |
Confidential items (c) | 0 | 0 | 0 | -73 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -30 | -385 | .. |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Total | -12 201 | -7 389 | -3 170 | -975 | -2 602 | -161 | -245 | -723 | -550 | -28 016 |
| | (a) Communication services includes other services n.i.e.
(c) For cells annotated 'n.p.' the data are included in Confidential items. | (b) Construction services credits are included with other business services credits |