State and Regional Indicators, Victoria (SRIV) is a quarterly publication that contains recently released statistical information about the whole of Victoria. Data is sourced from ABS and non-ABS collections. It provides measures according to a triple bottom line of economic, social and environment elements.
Most chapters contain a mix of tables, charts and commentary, to provide a basic analysis of recent movements in key economic, social and environmental data. Data is presented for varying geographic classifications, including, Victoria; Melbourne and the Balance of Victoria; down to Local Government Area for some series. The aim of the publication is to provide a picture of the situation of Victoria and enable comparison, both over time and between regions.
Core data, such as Estimated Resident Population, State Final Demand, Labour Force Statistics, Price Indexes, Building Approvals, Air Quality, and Water Storage Volumes is complemented by periodic annual data including the Condition of VicRoads Network, Recorded Crime Offences, Life Expectancy at Birth, Government Owned Housing Stock and others.
As the information is sourced from a wide variety of collections, care needs to be taken when analysing the data as time periods, definitions, methodologies, scope and coverage may differ from table to table. Advice is provided in the publication on such matters.