Agricultural establishment
An establishment which is engaged mainly in agricultural activities.
Application rate
Rate at which water is applied to an area or crop, measured in megalitres per hectare.
Area of holding
Includes all occupied and maintained land owned, leased or rented, land worked by sharefarmers and all road permits by a particular agricultural establishment. Excludes land leased or rented to others.
Drip irrigation
An irrigation technique that applies water to crops by methods that deliver the water to individual plants or rows of crops (also termed 'trickle' techniques).
Estimated value of agricultural operations (EVAO)
An estimation of the value of agricultural activity undertaken by an agricultural establishment. Three-year average weighted prices are applied to livestock turnoff and livestock numbers on the farm, and to area and production data for crops. The resultant aggregation of these commodity values is the EVAO. It is not an indicator of the value of receipts of individual farms but rather an indicator of the extent of agricultural activity.
One thousand million litres.
Water occurring below the ground's surface.
One million litres.
Micro spray/micro-irrigation
System of irrigation designed to use low pressure and small flows of water to mini-sprays, mini-sprinklers, drippers and piping with a series of small openings.
Recycled or re-used water (off-farm)
Waste water, that may have been treated to some extent, that is used again without first being discharged to the environment eg. sewage water brought onto a property for the purpose of irrigation.
Sprinkler irrigation
Irrigation applied from various forms of overhead sprays (also known as spray irrigation).
Surface irrigation
Irrigation in the form of controlled flooding of paddocks or irrigation bays.
Surface water
Water flowing or held in streams, rivers and other wetlands in the landscape.
Town or country reticulated mains supply
Water supplied, often through a non-natural network, where an economic transaction has occured for the exchange of this water.
Trickle irrigation
As for drip irrigation.
Water trading
The process of buying and selling water entitlements, where entitlements can include water supplied as part of a licence, allocation or other entitlement.